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Timpani - kettledrums Louvered door has horizontal slants Kumquat fruit trees Crepe de chine light silk dress

ess Petulant sulky or bad-tempered Finials architectural ornament Staccato cut short or part, disconnected Oriel bay window Gable triangular part of a wall from where a roof joins Tincture a trace or vestige Repose temporary rest or to place something somewhere or in confidence Sari those draped cloths that Indian women wear Noxious harmful, poisonous, unpleasant Serrations saw-tooth Tenuous very slender, fine; weak, slight Lilt rhythmic swing or flow, a springy movement, a cheerful song Concomitant naturally accompanying or associated Precarious uncertain, not secure Qualia private qualities, ineffable Noetic relating to the intellect Cudgel a short thick stick used as a weapon; to beat with said weapon Bonhomie cheerful friendliness, geniality Panache flamboyant manner, reckless courage Detumesce to reduce or lesson a swelling Bon viveur a foodie

Furore a public outburst, an uproar Jejune nave, simplistic, superficial; dull, uninteresting Runic having a mysterious meaning Truculent eager or quick to argue Diffident modestly shy due to lack of self-confidence Mazurka a piece of music for a dance Puckishly playful, especially in a mischievous way Prcis a summary or abridgment Bibulous fond of drinking alcohol (think Colin) Florid flushed face, or intricate and complicated Rectitude morally correct behavior Prurient excessively interested in sex Mephitic foul-smelling, noxious Prescient having foresight Desideratum something that is needed or wanted Louche disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way Manqu someone who failed to live up to expectation Cannily careful and shrewd, cautious Exegetes people who write critical interpretations of texts Emetic vomiting Apotheosis glorification of a subject to a divine level Erotomane Colliery Skittish Coterie

Flotsam Lanolin Indolent Picaresque Querulous Insouciant Eschatological Hapless Priggish Patina Tetchier Pedant Peripatetic Phlogiston

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