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Important Equations:

P1V1=P2V2 Pressure of a gas increases/decreases proportionally to

the change in volume

PV=nRT Ideal Gas Law P=Pressure; V=Volume; n=number moles;

R=gas constant T=Temp

C= P x S Concentration dissolved gas=Partial Pressure x Soubility


VE= VA + VD Volume Expired= Volume Alveoli + Volume of Dead Space

VD = VE – VA Volume Dead Space = Volume Expired – Volume Alveoli

PT= Palv – Ppl Transpulmonary pressure= Palveloar – P pleural

C= ∆V/∆PTP Compliance=Lung Elasticity (transpulmonary) = ∆ in Ppl when

airflow is 0
*Pleural Pressure is the only pressure that can be

R=PA/airflow Resistance=Alveolar Pressure/airflow

P=2T/r Pressure=2Tension/ Radius ↓Radius/↑Tension=↑Pressure


TLC= RV + VC Total lung capacity= Residual Volume + Vital Capacity

F= PA/R Flow= Pressure Alveolar/Resistance (Effort independent at

40% Vital Capacity)

W= ∆P∆V Respiratory Work=∆Pressure x∆Volume

VE rate= amount of air exiting the lungs in one minute

VI rate= f x VT amount of air reaching the lungs in one minute =
Frequency x Tidal Volume
VD rate = f x VD volume of airways (dead space)
VA rate = VI- VD volume of fresh atmospheric air reaching the lungs
V inspiration- VDead
PACO2= 693 x FACO2 (Barometric- Water Vapor Pressure) x Fraction Alveolar
PAO2= 693 X FAO2 693 X Fraction Alveolar O2

VD= VT x ((FACO2-FECO2)/FACO2) Physiologic Dead Space

Qshnt/Qtot= CO2 end capillary – CaO2/ CO2 end capillary- CvO2 Fraction cardiac
output that is shunted

Partial Pressure= 760 x % in air

Content= Partial Pressure x Solubility
Diffusion = D= ∆P A S/ d √MW

DL= Diffusion Capacity = VCo/ PACO (or VCO/PACO- PcCO; but PcCO is zero)

Dissolved= PaO2 X Solubility (100 x .003 (o2)= .3ml/100ml)

Bound= Hb x 1.34 x SaO2 (15 x 1.34 x .98 = 19.7)

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