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Talmudic Wisdom and Investing

Leave a reply The Talmud offers advice on how one should split up his money in order to be a succesful investor. The Talmud recommends that a person should always divide his money into three: one third in land, one third in commerce, and one third at hand. In essence, the Talmud is recommending that a person should diversify his investments. The Talmud learns this method from the actions of the patriarch Jacob. Jacob splits up his camp upon hearing that his brother Esau is approaching. Jacob does this in order to minimize any damage to his camp. Following in the ways of Jacob, diversifying is a wise method of investing. It allows the investor to minimize risk. Diversifying results in less exposure for the investor. Once again the Torah provides us with great insight into how to handle finances. This entry was posted in Uncategorized on March 22, 2013 by Judah B.

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