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Topic:Line Follower Robot Based On Embedded Technology.

Purpose:To make a Robot which follow the path according to us by using mobile phone.

Description:A Robot is a device which does work according our instruction. It is a programmable device based on embedded technology by using 8051 microcontroller. This robot is follow the path according to mobile keypad. This robot is following some specific path which we can provide the instruction through mobile.

Components:Hardware:Microcontroller, D.C. motors, mobile phones, Battery for power supply , Connecting Wire ,LEDS, Robot body, etc. Software:Kiel Uvsion2, Flash magic

Future work:Robot has so many applications in different field like engineering, medical, research and also in home applications. In future it may be to do work like a human being. It is a revolutionary invention of science.

Name of Team member:Ajay Singh Mali (09UECE001) Amir Khan (09UECE003) Kiran Malviya (09UECE021) Mangi Lal Lovvanshi (09UECE024) Mukesh Kumar Gurjar (09UECE027)


Topic:- Face recognization Device based on embeded technology . Purpose:- To make a face recognization device with the help of Camra . Description:- A Face recognization device is used to recognise the image of a person
with the help of camra. It has some predefined image which are already set in that device if any person want to go inside the door , is first recognised by that device if it is match with predefined image then the door will open otherwise not open .

Component:- Microcontroller , Electromagnet , Battery for Power supply ,

Connecting Wire ,

Future Work:- This device has strong application for security . Name of Team member:Ajay Singh Mali (09UECE001) Amir Khan (09UECE003) Kiran Malviya (09UECE021) Mangi Lal Lovvanshi (09UECE024) Mukesh Kumar Gurjar (09UECE027)

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