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Yjdrjdrjndrjf Gmdgclkfhvklsxfgjk ASSESSMENT S> Gabi ang trabaho ko sa may Alabang kaya madalas puyat ako.

as verbalized by the client. NURSING DIAGNOSIS Disturbed Sleeping Pattern related to frequently changing sleep-wake schedule as evidenced by the working hours of the client. SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION Change in sleepwake schedule PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION

Long Term Outcome: After 1 week of nursing interventions, the client will report improvement in quality of sleep pattern.

Independent: Provide quiet environment (straighten sheets). Provide comfort measures (back rub). Arrange care to provide uninterrupted sleep. Recommend Limiting intake of caffeine and chocolate prior to sleep. Explore other sleep aids. (warm bath or milk)

Decreased REM

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O>fatigue >restlessness >eyebags >working hours: 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. >sleeps 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. if she has work >sleeps 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. if she has no work

Impaired processing of information in the brain

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Short Term Outcome: Decreased oscillations

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Disturbed sleeping pattern

REFERENCE: Fundamentals of Nursing by Taylor, page 1178

After 2 hours of nursing interventions, the client will state two ways to improve sleep Collaborative: pattern such as Refer to sleep specialist providing a quiet for treatment when environment indicated. (straightening sheets) and comfort measures (back rub).

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