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How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

At least thats the direction Ed Glover received from God when he moved into the inner city of Pittsburgh. The home and life he was building with his new wife seemed to be the only light on their dark, abandoned street. Ed explained, After six years of ministering at the church and in the community, I remember walking out of my house and my car was missing for the third time. I began to ask God if I was wasting my time. The Lord revealed to Ed that if he remained faithful to the Gospel and focused first on impacting one person, then one family, and then one block at a time, he could really transform his community. Thus, Urban Impact Foundation was born. Urban Impact Foundation is a Christian community development center that seeks to transform lives on person, one family, one block at a time. Urban Impact focuses on holistic development of at-risk youth, by growing them mentally, academically, physically, and spiritually. Urban Impact was one of 438 organizations nominated in 2011 at Epoch, a missions gala that recognizes missionaries from around the world. The event was spectacular, the atmosphere electric. I was excited and honored to be part of it. Urban Impact received the Restoring Places award; the award is given to those making a long-term impact in a specific location and influencing a community holistically. The ministry has benefited tremendously from the recognition in providing credibility in both local and worldwide communities. Since Epoch, Ed Glover has continued to expand his ministry in a number of ways including partnering with Coach Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburg Steelers to start a conference for dads. Glover also developed a training center for urban missions; strengthened the urban missionary program; and accepted their first intern, Ruth Cortese, to run the performing arts ministry starting this spring. Ed Glover and Urban Impact Foundation are thriving proof of the power Epoch has to affect ministry, to change an organization, and to impact the world. Its a place where people who believe in missions can celebrate together, recognize unsung heroes, and honor their stories.

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