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I had the opportunity to interviewed to Izamar Marroquin, she is my classmate in Psicopedagoga.

She lives in San Salvador, she is twenty four years old, she has one sister younger than her and she is single. this is her last year, she studies Modern Languages, she doesn't work she just study; she was working some moths ago but she quit because the paying wasn't good enough. Her favorite teacher is Cecilia. she gave me an advice in order to make it in this major which is to study very hard and try do the best as I can, and don't give up, and besides she told me that I should not be satisfied by only learning here at the university, for example she says if the teacher is teaching you about any topic you gotta deepen it looking up for extra informations at home and try to get vocabulary as much as I can. She also thinks that one of the most difficult subjects for her was Linguistic. Izamar is christian so she goes to the church on weekends, she likes christian music obviously but her favorite christian's singers are Alex Campos and Annet Moreno but she likes alectronic music too. Her favorites colors are black and red; she loves horros movies, she likes to feel that scary sensation that chills her bones every time whe watch them. The sport that she practices in her spare time are basketball, baseball and swimming but overall she spend her free time with her family and friends. Her favorite actor is Taylor Laughtner, I asked to her why, and she told me: Have you ever seen Twilight? I said: -- no I haven't, then she told me that she likes her abs, that's why Taylor Laughtner is her favorite actor and moreover because this guy can transform into a wolf...

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