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Adrenaline Effects Increase peripheral resistance Increas CO via B1 receptors Increase HR Increase RR


Hyperthyroidism, HTN or arteriosclerosis, narrow-angle glaucoma, pre-op angleclosure glaucoma, shock (cardiogenic, traumatic or haemorrhagic), cardiac dilatation, coronary insufficiency, organic brain disease during general anaesth w/ halogenated hydrocarbons or cyclopropane, use w/ local anaesth in fingers, toes, ears, nose or genitalia; labour.

Special Precautions Diabetes, HTN, hyperthyroidism, bronchial asthma & psychoneuroses; ventricular hyperexcitability produced from chloroform, halothane, cyclopropane, digitalis, mercurial diuretics or quinidine. Hypersensitivity w/ sodium metabisulfite, bisulfite or a sulfite esp in patients w/ asthma. Elderly. Adverse Drug Reactions Anxiety, dyspnoea, hyperglycaemia, restlessness, palpitation, tachycardia, tremors, weakness, dizziness, headache, vomiting & coldness of the extremities; HTN, high BP may produce cerebral haemorrhage & pulmonary oedema; difficulty in micturition & urinary retention, weakness, altered metabolism including disturbance of glucose metabolism, sweating & HTN. View ADR Monitoring Website Adult & adolescent Bronchodilation SC Initially, 200-500 mcg every 20 mins to 4 hr, as needed. Max: 1 mg/dose. Anaphylaxis IM/SC Initially 200-500 mcg every 10-15 mins, as needed. Max: 1 mg/dose. Vasopression (anaphylactic shock) IM/SC Initially 500 mcg IM/SC every 5 mins; may be followed by IV administration of 25-50 mcg every 5-15 mins, as needed. Slow IV 100-250 mcg every 5-15 mins, may be followed by IV infusion at an initial rate 1 mcg/min, increased to 4 mcg/min. Childn Bronchodilation or anaphylaxis SC10 mcg/kg 2 body wt or 300 mcg/m . Max: 500 mcg/dose every 15 mins for 2 doses, then every 4 hr as needed. Vasopression (anaphylactic shock) IM/SC10 mcg/kg body wt. Max: 300 mcg every 5 mins as needed. IV 10 mcg/kg body wt every 5-15 mins, as needed.




Pharmaniaga Adrenaline inj 1 mg/mL

1 mL x 10's

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