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Lightning and Thunder that night. Darkness. Carlos: Ah man! It was my favorite marathon! Rad: Don't we have a generator?

Alexis: Hello guys. What are you doing? Rad: Oh, just here looking at... Billy: They're not for girls of course. Alexis: What do you mean not for me??!! Freddy: They're creepy and I want to get out of here!! Carlos: Unfortunately it doesn't want to start! Light, electricity's back. Carlos: Ah finally!! Ah, man! The TV's broke! Rad: Well, I guess we had enough for one day. Billy: Like totally. Freddy: Seeing all those monster scared me out of my pants! Billy: Those were not monsters, you dumbhead, those were ghosts. Alexis: Aha! I knew you didn't hold your promise! Carlos: It was Rad's fault! Rad: Hey, why me?? Carlos: Sorry man... Hey yo', Hot Shot! Hot Shot: Hi ya kids. Rad: Glad to see you buddy. A lightning strikes. A tremendous thunder. Hot Shot: Does it always happens like this in your world? Rad: From times to times. Sideswipe: Bro'! Man, I'm glad to see you! Carlos: Hey Sides. Man, you look scared. Sideswipe: I hate lightnings and thunder you know. Oh, and Jetfire wants to see us. At the control room. Jetfire: OK guys. Here's what, the weather is improper for any activity. The rec ommendation will be that we remained here and channel our..... *boof* *boof*.... Alright and..... *BooF!*....

Sideswipe: What the heck!!! A shadowy figure ran to the left side to the right side of the front door. Hoist: Is somebody there? Thunder. Lights went out. Sideswipe: I'm getting out of here! Jetfire: Who's there? Identify yourself!! - What are you saying? Hot Shot: Optimus Sir! Hoist: Sorry Sir. We didn't meant that. Sideswipe: Oh my spark! Jetfire: For a moment... wait a minute... Did you came from the left door Sir? Optimus: Yes, I did. What is wrong? The front door was closed. Hoist: Hey, that front door... Wasn't it wide opened when we saw that... thing?? Something moved again from the left door. Optimus: Who's there? - It's me Sir. Sideswipe: Oh my spark again! Hot Shot: Red Alert. Jetfire: What were you doing there? Red Alert: I was taking some documents that may be handy in the future. Jetfire: Alright. Hot Shot: Sideswipe, what's wrong? Sideswipe: I'm scared for no reason. Blurr: I told you "sparklings" are not allowed here. Jetfire: Blurr, knock it off. *Something felt on the floor* Optimus: ?.... Jetfire: Sir...? Optimus: Kids, turn off that computer, please.

Rad: Oh, yes Optimus. He turns off the PC. The creepy sounds weren't heard anymore. Sideswipe: A "scariest cartoon marathon"? You guys must be way off your minds! W hy do you love such things? Carlos: Ah, for adrenaline man! Sideswipe: For adrenaline!? My spark pounded like it was on the lose! Hoist: Oh, I know a scary story. Sideswipe: I don't wanna hear it! Optimus: I don't want to interrupt your conversation men, but I want to ask you a question. Hot Shot: What is it Sir? Optimus: Do you believe in ghosts? All: ??.... Well..... Optimus: Answer me sincerely. Hoist: Well, let's say, I do. Sideswipe: I do. Hot Shot: I don't. Jetfire: I don't Sir. Blurr: I surely don't. And they don't exist. Rad: Well, I don't quite believe in them. Carlos: I kinda do. Billy: I don't. Freddy: I do and I'm really scared now. Alexis: I don't believe in them. Optimus: Good. As for me... now you decide. Hot Shot: What do you mean Sir? Optimus: I'm going to tell you a story... ops long time ago. We won several part of uilding with first-aids and ammos. I took st soldiers in that building. After a few hat they saw something anormal there. A story that happened to me and my tro Cybertron, including a "War-were", a b over that area and send two of my fine minutes, they ran for help, claiming t

Bumblebee: "Sir! There's... there's a shadow on the walls, Sir!... It looked at

us and we heard a gun shot!" Jazz: "Yeah man, and I felt a cold breeze on my shoulder... So I kicked out of t here. Sorry Sir, we were unable for this mission." I stood and wondered how is it possible that two of my soldiers were spooked of a shadow on the wall. A good friend of mine, Hot Rod.... Hot Shot: Just like my name. Optimus: Hm yes. He volunteered to go in there to get some energon cubes for us. After 30 minutes he got out, describing thereafter what had happened to him. Hot Rod: "Sir, there's nothing down there. I didn't saw no one. But when I enter ed the door I felt a presence. I turn on my termometer to analyze what's going o n. After some minutes, I heard some feet coming up, so I hid behind some boxes, and I was amazed to find..... All: A shadow??................. Optimus: He said... Hot Rod: "A shadow walking in the air... It was spooky. It looked somewhat awful , grave and it had an awkward style of walking. After that thing passed, I ran." Bumblebee: "Oh, I knew I saw something!" Jazz: "Man, what a thing!" I didn't believe it. If there is something that couldn't be logically explained, for me, it doesn't exist. So, I personally headed there. Truth be told, there w ere there certain objects that made scary shadows, but if that was all then "wha t kind of soldier do I have??" I stopped in front of some boxes, energon cubes were in there. When I put my han ds on one of them, I heard a gun-shot... Jetfire: What did you do Sir? Sideswipe was chewing his "nails". Optimus: Normally, I looked back... and I saw... a Decepticon. Jetfire: Oh oh, trouble! Sideswipe: I have the feeling it was not. Jetfire: ? Optimus: You are right, Sideswipe... Sideswipe: Oh, I knew it! Optimus: ... That Decepticon was like nothing I have ever seen. Parts of his bod y were appearing and disappearing from times to times, he had a more "skinny" ki nd of body... Indeed, he had one broken leg, one was shorter than the other one. And yes eye/optics, I can never forget them... they were glowing red. They were looking straight at me. And he had a gun in his right hand.

Now I often question myself, how was I able to keep my calm in that moment? After some seconds, he asked me: "Autobot... Decepticon...?" After a pause, I answered: "Autobot." Then he disappeared. And I never saw him a gain. I felt that place without any energon. A week after the incident, we have succesfully taken over a Decepticon base. One of them said: "Please don't throw me in that old "War-were"! Please, I beg y ou!" I questioned him immediately: "Do you know the place?" The Decepticon: "Yes! It's spooky! It is said that is haunted by a Decepticon gu ardian that ended tragically." Optimus: "How did he end?" Decepticon: "Well, from what I know from an old story, he was doing his job when he came face to face with an Autobot. In reflex, he shoot the Autobot. Before d ying the latter cursed him and now he haunts the "War-were", where he was last s een." Optimus: "Did anybody went there afterwards?" Decepticon: "Many. Some lost their lives, some escaped." Optimus: "Did you went there?" Decepticon: "Only once. I was spooked out to death." Optimus: "Do he put questions?" Decepticon: "Oh yeah, he asked me if I'm on the Autobot or Decepticon side. I to ld him what I am and then he just vanished in the thin air." Optimus: "Hmm... Thank you. That's enough." Decepticon: "Put me in jail Sir! I don't want to go there!" Optimus: "Alright, alright." And so I heard the story of the Guardian of the War-were... Sideswipe: That was scary!! Hoist: Man, if I was there, I would have done the same. Hot Shot: What? Hoist: I'd run! Hot Shot: Oh come on! I thought you were tough! Optimus: What do you say men? It was real or not? Jetfire: What do you think Sir?

Optimus: If it cannot be explained by anything, I cannot believe it, even though I saw it with my own eyes/optics. Red Alert: By my profession, I should not believe in such things. Hoist: You know, I heard of another story, some ages ago when a common worker fe lt off his platform and now haunts the Cyertronian Official Ministry. Blurr: Oh, come on! It's stupid! Red Alert: Well, I don't want to frighten you guys. I had once a pacient. After I remove his spark from his body, I've went to my desk to see his modes and oper ations, when all of the sudden the body lifted itself up... Sideswipe: OH MY PRIMUS!! Hot Shot: Did that happened??!! Jetfire: How is it possible?? You removed his spark! Red Alert: Yes indeed. He lift up, looked around, saw me and put himself back. A fter the operation, he didn't remember anything. Freddy: I'm going home! You're all scary tonight! Billy: Now that was awesome! Think about it! Removing someone's heart and he loo ks around. Weird, huh! Carlos: HOLY COW!! Spooky man! Alexis: I guess everyone has a ghost story to tell. Rad: Yeah, even robots... Blurr: Hmph! I don't believe you! Sideswipe: What was that?? Blurr: Don't try to scare me! It won't work! Jetfire: Hush!... I'm going to see what's there. He goes beyond the door. Something felt. *Crack* Jetfire: Get off of me!! Hot Shot: Jetfire! It jumped off of Jetfire, it ran between Hot Shot's legs, and jumped on Optimus' back. Optimus: What the...?? Hot Shot: Sir, don't move! I'm gonna shoot it! *Meow* Red Alert: ??

All: ??????????.............................. The lights went on. From Optimus' neck came a robotic-kitten: Meow! Sideswipe: A cat!!?????? Hoist: For the love of Cybertron, we were scared of a cat! Blurr: You see! I told you all that there's no such things as ghosts! Cat: Meow! Optimus: How many times do I have to tell you don't follow me? Sideswipe: You know it Sir? Optimus: ... She's my cat... Hot Shot: Eh?? Jetfire: Eh??? All: EH?????????????................. Alexis: Aww, how cute she is! Cat: Meow! Jetfire: And what fine scratches she gave me! Hot Shot: Your cat, Sir? Optimus: Excuse me, men... The cat jumps from his neck and rolled on his feet. Cat: Meow! Meow! Alexis: Aww, don't punish her Sir! Optimus: She may look cute, but she's not. I'm going to get her back to Cybertro n. Cat: No! Sir, no! Carlos: It spoked! Alexis: Aww, come on Optimus! Let the kitty be! Please! Kids: Please!!!!!!!!! Optimus looks at his soldiers. Jetfire: I don't mind.... Hoist: Well, we don't have cat food...

Alexis: We do! Blurr: Hmph! Sideswipe: Cute little thing! Hot Shot: If you want Sir, I'll take care of her. Scavenger: Is that my next meal? All: No!! It's Optimus' cat!! Scavenger: Oh, is that true? Optimus: ....... Scavenger: Well, good luck. I'm going for another sleep. Good night. Carlos: Yeah man, it's late. Let's go to bed. Rad: Good idea Carlos. Bye everyone. Good night. Billy: See ya in the morning. Freddy: Don't leave me here! Alexis: Good night guys. We'll see you tomorrow kitty! Cat: Meow! Optimus: ... See you too. Come on Mitzy! Mitzy: Meow! Optimus: You can sleep on my chair. Mitzy: Meow! :3 Hot Shot: I thought Optimus had a dog. Jetfire: Don't comment soldier. Let's go! THE END

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