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: Larasti Setyaningtyas : BPOM

People believe in how a teacher become good teacher is because they have it or made it. In my view, teachers become good because they made its. Teacher is a person who teaches. To whom they teach are students. Each Pupils has difference in his family background, levels of IQ and finance support. These factors will effect to their achievement in class and a teacher play more in this situation. As a good teacher he should know how to teach students with their difference. For example teaching students who have less IQ need more attention than a clever student in order to understand a lesson, therefore an art of teaching is useful. Being a teacher, he could be an advisory too. In case poor students can not buy an expensive text book, so he must find a solution how pupils can study without having a text book, perhaps they can go to library for borrow some text books. That is a solution which student need. Teacher must has good attitude too. So if he a smoker better not smoke while teaching, actually smoking is a kind of bad habit, because it can decrease our health. Some jokes maybe appear while teaching but do not make a joke that become bad connotation for student.. The conclusion is a good teacher is made by a process how he teaches, as an advisory for student and has a good attitude. They will not get this ability instantly because teaching is an activity which needs a lot of practices to become good teacher.

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