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Prophetic Words of Judgment Against Harvard University

Given through Brian Charles

This will all be history, covered by the sands of time. They have refused to obey Me. --Harvard Univ,, Cambridge, Boston This place will be razed by My hand. They have refused to serve Me. They love money more than Me. Im gonna destroy that place with My bare hands. They have refused My love. They wanted the world. You know Im gonna destroy that place in a second? Its sin has risen up to Me. It must be destroyed. Thus says the Lord. --Harvard University The word Yankee will be a thing of the past. All this will be blasted away by nuclear fire. --Boston All this will be blasted away in a split second. --Boston All this will be blasted away by the fire of My fury! --Boston, Cambridge, Harvard University Boston shall be destroyed by My mighty hand. They have refused to obey Me. My wrath is great. Thus says the Lord of hosts. Theyre partying and dont know that sudden destruction will come upon them! My patriots were here. Nobody serves Me anymore. They all serve themselves. I shall judge for that. Youll see. With nuclear fire! Great is My wrath against this place! Itll all be burnt to the ground. My people have refused to serve Me. My wrath against this place is great! Massachusetts will be a piece of history, destroyed by My hand! Itll all come down in an instant. --buildings of Boston Thisll be torn down by My hand. They have refused Me. You shall see it. --Harvard campus buildings They have rejected Me. --the people of Cambridge, Boston My Church has become a den of demons. What are you gonna do when tanks are rolling down the street? Ill be with you. It will all go total anarchy when the economy collapses. They have loved money more than Me. They must be destroyed. I will do it by My hand. They have refused Me far enough. Partying will be replaced by rioting. Thisll be destroyed by My hand. --Harvard University This will all be torn down by My hand. And I AM A Consuming Fire. My wrath against this place is great! --Harvard University buildings It is a stench in My sight. They have refused My love. It must be destroyed. --Harvard I will destroy it by My hand. It must go. It has dominated for far too long. It must be torn down by My hand. It must go. I have repented for far too long. It must go. It is a stench in My sight. Harvard must go. It has refused My love for far too long. It must be destroyed. They must be destroyed. They have refused Me. They have refused My love. Thus says the Lord. Amen. Brian, I love this place, but they have refused My love. It must be destroyed. They have refused My love. It will all be destroyed. It must go. Itll all be destroyed by My hand. Thus says the Lord. They all must go. They wont obey Me. Why wont they obey Me? They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. They wont witnesss or anything. They love money more than Me. They must be destroyed. They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. Thus says the Lord. Youll see with your bare eyes the punishment of the disobedient. Thus says the Lord. You tried to warn the people but they wont listen. They must be destroyed. Itll all happen in short ord er. Thus says the Lord. Im gonna destroy this empire. They wont serve Me. It will all become desert. Im gonna destroy humanity. --because of the sin of covetousness Ill destroy the world because of that! --covetousness Few will serve Me. Theyre all going to Hell. Few will be saved.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Psalm 91:8

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