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1 The Future of Love Charles Lindholm Is romantic love eternal, or is it destined to disappear? And if it does disappear, what are the consequences? For most Americans, these might seem to be strange questions indeed. Certainly, the songs, poems, novels, and films of our society have portrayed love as life's ultimate value: overwhelming, ecstatic, uniquely blissful. Love, our cliches tell us, makes the world go around, nothing is impossible for lovers, love knows no boundaries, life without love is not worth living, and love is forever.

In this world of "confluent love," the ideal is to rapidly substitute other, more gratifying sexual relationships for those that have proven to be too demanding and not pleasurable enough. As a result, "the search for open relationships, which is not simply restricted to the sexual realm, slides into the search for interchangeable relationships."20 Under these circumstances, the sense of eternity, idealization, and commitment characteristic of romantic love become less and less possible.

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