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Bircher Muesli: (serves 1 for breakfast) Ingredients: cup Rolled Oats Water to cover (cold)

Optional Serving Ideas: 1 Tbsp Queens Sugar-Free Maple Syrup (free Breakfast Addition) Cinnamon 1/2 scoop Whey Protein Powder (e.g. Flavoured= additional protein) 2 tsp Flaked Almonds (replaces 1 Fat Serve) Free berries, grated apple or 1 Tbsp Sultanas (replaces 1 Fruit Serve) Alternative: cup Rolled Oats (with additions to reduce kj) Directions: 1. Scoop Rolled Oats into large pasta/breakfast bowl. 2. Cover oats with cold water. 3. Place bowl covered in Cling Wrap in microwave. 4. Cook for 3 minutes (check doesnt over-flow, add more/less water to consistency. 5. When cooled slightly, add extras to taste. Nutrition Panel Serves 1 (breakfast) 1 (breakfast + protein, fat & fruit serve) Alternative: oats + additions KJ Protein Fat Sat Fat Carbs JC 1 grain, fat 1 grain,1 fruit, 1 meat & 2 fat 1 grain,1 fruit, 1 meat & 2 fat

714 1,532

5.9 20.4

2.9 9.5

0.5 1.0

30.5 51.1






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