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answer the questions below it: The Kings wardrobe grew as each year passed and everyone lived merrily in the capital where the King kept his clothes. One day two strangers came to the capital. One of them was very large and wore a stunning yellow suit and the other was very short and wore a very handsome green suit. Both of them had magnificent hats made of rare feathers from distant lands. They introduced themselves to the most important people in the capital and told them of all incredible creations they had made for dukes and duchesses, counts and countesses, princes and princesses, Kings and Queens and all sorts of very important people around the world. They even bragged that they used magic silk that would render the clothes invisible to anyone who did not have enough intelligence, education and wisdom to be holding the position they did in the Kingdom. 1. Sum up this text using your own words, not the authors. 2. What do you think was the two strangers job and what makes you think so? 3. Why do you think they called themselves the most important people in the capital? 4. Are you interested in fashion? Why/why not? EXAM CARD 2 Read this text and then answer the questions below it: The next day when she had seated herself at table with the king and all the courtiers, and was eating from her little golden plate, something came creeping splish splash, splish splash, up the marble staircase, and when it had got to the top, it knocked at the door and cried, Princess, youngest princess, open the door for me. She ran to see who was outside, but when she opened the door, there sat the frog in front of it. Then she slammed the door too, in great haste, sat down to dinner again, and was quite frightened. The king saw plainly that her heart was beating violently, and said, My child, what are you so afraid of? Is there perchance a giant outside who wants to carry you away? Ah, no, replied she. It is no giant but a disgusting frog. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? Why do you think the princess was frightened? How is it possible for a princess to have a conversation with a frog? Do you like fairy tales? What is your favourite and why?

EXAM CARD 3 Read this text and then answer the questions below it:

Two kings sons once went out in search of adventures, and fell into a wild, disorderly way of living, so that they never came home again. The youngest, who was called simpleton, set out to seek his brothers, but when at length he found them they mocked him for thinking that he with his simplicity could get through the world, when they two could not make their way, and yet were so much clever. They all three travelled away together, and came to an ant-hill. The two elder wanted to destroy it, to see the little ants creeping about in their terror, and carrying their eggs away, but simpleton said: Leave the creatures in peace! I will not allow you to disturb them! Then, they went onwards and came to a lake, on which a great number of ducks were swimming. The two brothers wanted to catch a couple and roast them, but simpleton would not permit it, and said: Leave the creatures in peace; I will not suffer you to kill them! 1. Sum up this text using your own words, not the authors. 2. Who is the cleverest of the brothers and why? 3. What is the relationship among the three brothers, in your opinion? 4. Do you have a brother or a sister? How do you get along? EXAM CARD 4 Read this text and then answer the questions below it: Suddenly the door opened, and a woman as old as the hills, who supported herself on crutches, came creeping out. Hansel and Gretel were so terribly frightened that they let fall what they had in their hands. The old woman, however, nodded her head, and said: Oh, you dear children, who has brought you here? Do you come in, and stay with me! No harm shall happen to you. She took them both by the hand, and led them into her little house. Then good food was set before them, milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. Afterwards two pretty little beds were covered before them with clean white linen, and Hansel and Gretel lay down in them, and thought they were in heaven. The old woman had only pretended to be so kind. She was in reality a wicked witch, who lay in wait for children, and had only built the little house of bread in order to entice them there. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? Can you guess the meaning of the word entice from the context? Why do you think the children were scared to see the old woman? Do you like fairy tales? What is your favourite and why?

EXAM CARD 5 Read this text and then answer the questions below it: One Saturday morning Abbys Mum came upstairs to see Abby in her bedroom. Or tried to. There was so much mess on the floor she could only poke her head around the door. Abby sat in the middle of it all reading a book. What a tip, Mum said. You need to have a clear up in here. Why? Abby asked. Why? Mum repeated. Because things get broken or lost when theyre all willynilly like this. Come on, have a tidy up now.

But Im very busy, Abby argued, and its boring on my own. Cant you help me? No I cant, Im busy too. But Ill give you extra pocket money if you do a good job. When Mum came back later all the toys and clothes and books had disappeared. Im impressed, said Mum. But Ill inspect it properly later. It was easy, said Abby. Can I have my extra pocket money now? 1. 2. 3. 4. What are Abby and Mum talking about? How was Abby convinced to tidy up her room? Is Abby a good girl? Why/ why not? Have you had similar conversations with your mother? Who won?

EXAM CARD 6 Read this text and then answer the questions below it: Brooklyn Childrens Museum is a world-class organization with community roots, and is dedicated to serving the larger Brooklyn and New York City community. Committed to bringing hands-on learning adventures to children and families, Brooklyn Childrens Museum provides a free after school program for children ages 7-18, free summer concerts on Friday evenings, and affordable admission to innovative exhibits, programmes, and special performances. In addition, the Museum maintains partnerships with many local community organizations. 1. What is the text about? 2. How expensive are the summer concerts? 3. Do you think a Childrens Museum is useful? Why? 4. Would you like to visit New York City? Why? EXAM CARD 7 As any Italian housewife will tell you, homemade pasta is not difficult to make. It does, however, require patience and time, which is why I tend to make it on Sunday mornings. People who have a gift for making pastry or bread will have very little problem in making pasta, as many of the skills applied to all three are the same. The most important thing to remember is that you need plenty of work surfaces. If you plan to going into pasta making in a big way, then it may be worth your while to buy a pasta machine. At the turn of a handle this will give you many different shapes and thicknesses of pasta. These machines manufactured in Northern Italy are now widely available in specialist kitchenware shops all over in the world. 1. What is the text about? 2. What is the most important thing to remember? 3. Why is a machine worth buying? 4. Are you good at cooking? EXAM CARD 8 Read this text and answer the questions below it:

Elvis Presley may be the single most important figure in American 20 th century popular music. Not necessarily the best, and certainly not the most consistent. But no one could argue with the fact that he was the musician most responsible for popularizing rock& roll on an international level. Viewed in cold sales figures, his impact was phenomenal. Dozens upon dozens of international smashes from the mid-50s to the mid-70s, as well as the steady sales of his catalogue and reissues since his death in 1977 may make him the single highest-selling performer in history. 1. Who is Elvis Presley? 2. When did he die? 3. Do you like listening to music? 4. What kind of music do you like? Why? EXAM CARD 9 Read this text and answer the questions below it: The Beatles were the greatest and most influential group of the rock era, and introduced more innovations into popular music than any other rock band of the 20 th century. Moreover, they were among the few artists of any discipline that were simultaneously the best at what they did and the most popular at what they did. Imaginative and experimental, the Beatles grabbed a hold of the international mass consciousness in 1964 and never let go for the next six years, always staying ahead of the pack in terms of creativity but never losing their ability to communicate their increasingly sophisticated ideas to a mass audience. Their supremacy as rock icons remains unchallenged to this day, decades after their break-up in 1970. 1. What is the text about? 2. What happened simultaneously? 3. Have you ever listened to the Beatles? 4. Is music important to you? EXAM CARD 10 Read this text and then answer the questions below: Outdoor grilling has been an American mainstay since pre-Civil War days. Southerners were accustomed to slow-cooking pork in a savoury sauce of vinegar, ketchup, water, salt and pepper. But that traditional combination of sweet and salty may have a price. Recent research shows that cooking meat at high temperatures could increase your risk of cancer. One Mount Sinai School of Medicine study, released in February, showed that higher heat, lower humidity and longer cooking times increased the number of carcinogenic agents. Weve proven it in animal and research labs, and in humans we have strong suggestions, says Jaime Uribarri, lead writer of the study and professor of medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. But essentially it means avoid too much heat.

1. What is the text about? 2. What should we avoid when we cook meat? Why? 3. Do you like barbeque? 4. Can you name a few things that we like eating, but are not good for our body? EXAM CARD 11 Read this text and then answer the questions below: Rebellious teenager Rachel screams, swears, drinks and is, in a word, uncontrollable. With her latest car crash, Rachel has broken the final rule in mom Lillys San Francisco home. With nowhere else to take the impulsive girl, Lilly sends her daughter to her own mothers Idaho farm. Grandma Georgia is not your typical sweet and doting grandmother. She lives her life by a number of unbreakable rules, demanding anyone who shares her home do the same God comes first and hard work comes a very close second. Having to raise the young woman, it will require each patient breath she takes to understand Rachels fury. But as Rachel succumbs to her summer of misery and shakes up the tiny town, Georgia notices something is changing within her granddaughter. Given structure and responsibilities, Rachel is letting her guard down and learning compassion, especially for her mother. 1. 2. 3. 4. This is the plot of a movie. Who are the names of the 3 characters? How old is the main character? Would you like to see this movie? Why? What kind of movies do you like?

EXAM CARD 12 Read this text and then answer the questions below: Walter Elias Disney (1901-1966) was an American film producer. Disney is notable as one of the most influential figures in the field of entertainment during the twentieth century. As the co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, Walt became one of the bestknown motion pictures producers in the world. The corporation he co-founded, now known as The Walt Disney Company, today has annual revenues of approximately U.S. $30 billion. Walt Disney is particularly noted for being a film producer and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He received twenty-two Academy Awards and forty-eight nominations during his lifetime, holding the record for the individual with the most awards and the most nominations. Disney has also won seven Emmy Awards. Disney and his staff created a number of the worlds most famous fictional characters, including the one many consider Disneys alter ego, Mickey Mouse. He is also well-known as the namesake of the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort theme parks in the United States, France, Japan and China. 1. 2. 3. 4. Who is the text about? Who was this man? What did he create? Have you ever seen any of his movies? Can you name any of his movies?

EXAM CARD 13 Read this text and answer the questions below: England became a unified state during the tenth century and takes its name from the Angles-one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the fifth and sixth centuries .The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in Great Britain and the largest city in the European Union. England ranks among the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the history of the world. It is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries. It was the historic centre of the British Empire. It was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and was the first country in the world to become industrialised. England was the worlds first parliamentary democracy and consequently many constitutional, governmental and legal innovations that had their origin in England have been widely adopted by other nations. 1. 2. 3. 4. Which is the largest city in Europe? In which ways has England influenced the rest of the world? If you went to England what would you like to visit? How can people from Europe get to England?

EXAM CARD 14 Read the text below and answer the questions: What did Diana, Princess of Wales, do to be so loved, adored, so famous? What did she do to become, in such a short time, the Queen of Hearts? Was it her way of being, her charity work, her beauty or elegance, the fact that she was the wife of the most wanted man of England or the mass-media? A lot of people tend to say that Diana is the exclusive creation of the media, that the journalists were the ones who created "Lady Di", the same ones who destroyed her in Paris. One of Diana's special relationships was the one with Mother Teresa. The relation between these two women was so profound, almost unusual, beyond hate and ordeal. After discussing with Mother Teresa all Diana's problems seemed of minor importance by comparison with the problems of the homeless and sick people. This brought a major change in her life. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? What do a lot of people tend to say about Diana? What brought a major change in Dianas life? Do you admire Lady Di? For what qualities of hers?

EXAM CARD 15 Read the text below and answer the questions: Lady Diana was beautiful, she was young and she was Royal. Her life was a fairy-tale in which she was the Princess she always wanted to be. She was just a child when she met her Prince Charm and from that moment on she kept dreaming. But when she

woke up, she realized that she had been living a long nightmare and all her dreams broke to pieces...Still, the Princess had a big secret: she could easily combine her roles, the one of mother of future kings, a very modern woman, who greatly influenced fashion. Her role in the society was more than important, but nothing that is good lasts forever. One dark night, the forces of evil took her down. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? What qualities did Diana have? What was the Princesss big secret? Is there any personality that you admire? What for?

EXAM CARD 16 Read the text below and answer the questions: In the past, most people did not have the necessary educational background to explain the natural processes that were happening in nature so they accepted easily the idea of some supreme forces which ruled the entire Universe. But there were a lot of people who did not believe in these good forces and they chose other ways in order to understand the natural order. One of these ways is witchcraft. The irony that exists in this field is that witchcraft has two parts: black magic and white magic. The last one is supposed to be very different from the black magic, having no connection with evil and dark forces. Why do people need a brotherhood with the evil forces to understand the rules of the Universe? Even if there are people who consider witchcraft a religion, it is very difficult to adopt such a system of values which does not have real basis. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? Why did most people accept easily the idea of supreme forces in the past? What is the irony that exists in this field? Do you believe in witchcraft?

EXAM CARD 17 Read the text below and answer the questions: The American Heritage Dictionary defines stereotype as a conventional and usually oversimplified conception, opinion or belief. Yet, the dictionary does not say how dangerous stereotyping is whether its telling stupid blonde jokes or assuming that overweight people are lazy and untidy, stereotyping is a form of prejudice. The media plays an important part in encouraging us to stereotypes. We see skinny models all the time, so we think that anyone who weighs more than 100 pounds is fat. Moreover, TV and movies often promote one dimensional character that silently sanctions stereotypes. Unfortunately, when stereotyping comes into real life it can easily turn into racism and have very serious consequences. (Teen, September 1997) 1. What is the text about? 2. What is dangerous about stereotypes? 3. How do media encourage people to stereotypes?

4. Have you ever been tempted to judge people because they looked, behaved or spoke differently than others? EXAM CARD 18 Read the text below and answer the questions: Last summer we decided to camp on an island in the south because other accommodation became more and more expensive. We used to have a sunbath every day, then we used to have some sight-seeing, and at weekends, we had a trip around the island. One day, when we took an excursion to a ruined castle, the weather changed suddenly and black clouds appeared from nowhere. After a few moments, a heavy rain started and it was so dark that we could hardly see a thing. We looked for a shelter in the ruins. Once our eyes got used to the darkness, we started exploring the place. It was quite scary but our curiosity was greater than our fear. Presently, we reached a large hall whose ceiling had saved its original beauty. Huge spider webs hang from the walls and it was a big crack through which one could see outside. All at once an unusually strong light revealed a painting hid in a small niche. We couldnt believe what we saw: it bore the signature of a famous 16th century master. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? Where did the characters go when the rain started? Which were the characters feelings when they entered the ruins? Have you ever been camping? What was it like?

EXAM CARD 19 Read the text below and answer the questions: India is a land of contrasts and diversity. Be prepared for an assault on your senses, and a challenge to your preconceptions. Above all, however, it is the warmth, vitality, humor, and energy of the Indian people that leave the most lasting impression. After six-and-a-half months in India, I couldnt wait to leave. Strange now that its the first place I would return to. Then again, thats how it is with India. It is an intense place; wonderful and exotic and depressing and frustrating and mind-blowing. Sometimes all at the same time. If you have endurance, patience, flair of adventure, and a desire for the unexpected, there are few places you will love more than India. (Mark Elliott, working traveler) 1. What is the text about? 2. How does the author describe India? 3. What qualities are necessary for someone to love India? 4. Have you ever been to India or to another foreign country? If not, what country would you like to visit? Why? EXAM CARD 20 Read the text below and answer the questions: The subject of animal testing is very controversial. In my opinion, animal testing should not be banned for a number of reasons.

The first reason for supporting animal testing is that many products must be tested on animals to ensure that they are safe for use by humans. For example, diabetics would not be able to inject insulin to control their diabetes had it not been developed by testing on animals. It is aimed at finding cures for diseases such as cancer. Most of these tests cannot be done in any other way. While some animals suffer, the end justifies the means. 1. What is the topic of the text? 2. What is the authors opinion on the matter? Why? 3. Develop the last sentence of the text and give other examples to illustrate it. 4. What is your personal opinion on animal testing? EXAM CARD 21 Read the text below and answer the questions: Truth actually is important, I reckon; being true to oneself, that is. Living a lie does not feel good and organizations which lie to themselves come to a distressingly predictable end. Best to remember the psalmist who reckoned heaven was for him who does the thing which is right and speaks the truth from his heart, or to go with George Orwell who said that even if you are a minority of one you arent necessarily mad. Know yourself, said the Greeks. Be yourself, I would add. It may not be comfortable. It has to be better. 1. What is the topic of the text? 2. Comment on what George Orwell said. 3. How important is truthfulness to you? Give other 3 values that are significant to you. 4. Illustrate this saying Know yourself with examples from your personal experience. EXAM CARD 22 Read the text below and answer the questions: I had a poem in my head last night, flashing as only those unformed midnight poems can. It was all made up of unexpected burning words. I knew even in my half-sleep that it was nonsense, meaningless, but that forcing and hammering would clear its shape and form. Now not a word of it remains, not even a hint of its direction. What a pity one cannot sleepwrite on the ceiling with ones finger or lifted toe. 1. What is the text about? 2. What are the feelings of the narrator? 3. Do you keep a diary? Why? What sort of things do you write down in your diary? How often do you write in your diary? 4. Why do you think people keep a diary? What is the reason why the writer uses this form of literature?

EXAM CARD 23 Read the text below and answer the questions: A year later I visited the town again and met her father in the street. He said she had begun to study architecture in Istanbul. He gave me her address and asked me to look her up. I was on my way to Istanbul anyway and would have done so, but I caught a bad cold, so that a colleague and his wife fetched me from my hotel and nursed me till I was well enough to go back to Ankara. So I never saw her again and lost her address. Perhaps I was afraid of falling in love with her. 1. What do you think that happened a year before? 2. Do you think that if he hadnt caught a cold, he would have looked for her? 3. What do you think of the main character? 4. Can you think of a personal situation when you wished to have done something but you didnt? EXAM CARD 24 Read the following text and then answer the questions: I arrived at Paddington early and had a first class compartment to myself, but it filled before we started. Something about those five other masked faces, buried in their evening newspapers and magazines, at least landed me back in England: that chosen isolation that hatred of the others as if we were all embarrassed at having to share our means of travel with someone else. When we drew out of the station the elderly woman opposite me glanced up at the ventilation window. It was slightly open. A minute later she glanced again. I said, Shall I shut it? Oh, well if I stood and shut it; and received a frozen grimace, meant to represent gratitude, from the lady and two or three covertly disapproving examination from my male fellowpassengers. I had committed the cardinal sin not of shutting the window, but of opening my mouth. No other castes in the world are so certain that good breeding is silence I was wearing clothes bought in California, a polonecked pullover and sports jacket, not a suit and tie, and perhaps they read something alien in me - a danger, someone to be taught in English way. I didnt really disapprove of it; I noted it like an anthropologist, and understood it like an Englishman. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? What was the job of the narrator? Where did the narrator come from? How did you know? What is your opinion about British people?

EXAM CARD 25 Read the following text and then answer the questions: He was a lad of eighteen when he dropped into London, with no money and no connections except the address of a cousin who was supposed to work at a confectioners. When he went to the pastry shop, however, he found that the cousin had gone to America. Anton Rosicky tramped the streets for several days, sleeping in

doorways and on the Embankment, until he was in utter despair. He knew no English and the sound of the strange language all about him confused him. By chance he met a poor German tailor who had learned his trade in Vienna, and could speak a little Czech. This tailor, Lifschnitz, didnt much need an apprentice, but he was sorry for the boy and took him for no wages but his keep and what he could pick upAnton had, however, a place to sleep. The tailors family lived upstairs in three rooms: a kitchen, a bedroom, where Lifschintz and his wife and five children slept, and a living room. Rosicky used to think he would never go out of there, never get a clean shirt to his back again. What would he do, he wondered, when his clothes actually dropped to pieces and the worn cloth wouldnt hold patches any longer? 1. Why did Anton tramp the streets of London? 2. Who helped Anton to survive? 3. Was Anton worried about his future? 4. Would you ever immigrate to another country? Why (not)? EXAM CARD 26 Read the following text and then answer the questions: Max Boxer was entirely self-taught and strongly opposed to any form of art training, which he thought had the effect of weakening any natural, individual ability. His own ability (he wasnt vain about it, though he knew he was good) meant a great struggle in pursuit of perfection. He always refused to draw people he didnt know or hadnt met. Watching them on video might be good enough: a glance, the shape of an eyebrow, a wave of the hand, all helped. Sometimes he took a table in a restaurant if he knew his subject would be there. Hed ask to see people at their office and walk around them while they made telephone calls or run meetings. If he was asked to draw someone who didnt interest him, hed ask if a photograph could be used instead. He never understood how he could be expected to draw someone for whom he had no feeling, whose face or character didnt make him want to draw them. There were certain people he could not draw. Ordinary, good-looking faces didnt interest him, and he found women difficult. There were also certain people whom, out of a sense of decency, he refused to make fun of with his drawing. Most of his drawings were done to accompany the weekly column in a Sunday newspaper. If the drawing went well hed have the outline of it by 8 oclock on Thursday evening, and enjoy his supper. He went on until late. He took great pleasure in colouring inking in parts of a drawing which made the old pen scatter ink everywhere. 1) 2) 3) 4) Can you describe Mark Boxer`s personality? Did he agree to draw people all the time? What do we learn about Mark and his work? What is your opinion about art and artist nowadays?

EXAM CARD 27 Read the following text and then answer the questions:

There were three sons of a wealthy businessman. Whenever they met, the two eldest, who were twins, used to quarrel about which of them should be his fathers heir. The youngest, who was not in the least ambitious, took no part in their arguments. As soon as they left home, the father arranged for an adequate income to be provided for each of them, but insisted that apart from this they were to be financially self-supporting After years of failing health, the father eventually died. The will, which had been written some years previously, was read to the family. The elder twin had inherited his fathers business; the younger was to receive all the money that was not invested in the business, while the youngest boy was left his fathers house and estate as his share of the property. Unfortunately, the elder twin who wanted to take up the stage as a career did not realize that an actor who cannot even be punctual should not be expected to manage a business, and it was not long before the firm went bankrupt. The other twin set up as an artist and he believed in taking risks, but in less than a year he was penniless. But the youngest brother was able to fulfil his own modest ambition. With the capital he saved, he converted the house into an orphanage. 1. What did the father expect from his sons? 2. Did the three boys succeed in their business? 3. Was the youngest brother different than the others? 4. Comment upon the proverb: A little saved is a little gained EXAM CARD 28 Read the following text and answer the questions: Television ads or commercials make use of the viewers vision and hearing in presenting a product. Because so many people watch television at specific times, these ads can often reach a wider audience than any other type of ad. Little stories, which have plenty of action, are often used to present the product. At other times, the product is demonstrated. Product slogans, songs and logos are frequently included. Sometimes printed words are on the screen, and no one speaks. At other times a voice-over (the commentator talking about the products while the visual runs) is used. 1. What strategies do television ads use to persuade people? 2. What is voice over and in what way does it influence the audience? 3. Speak about your favourite television advertisement. 4. What do television ads appeal to in their messages? EXAM CARD 29 Read the following text and answer the questions: Many buildings of central London were destroyed or damaged in air raids during World War 2. These include the Guildhall (scene of the lord mayors banquets and other public functions); No. 10 Downing Street, the prime ministers residence. Today there are numerous blocks of new office buildings and districts of apartment dwellings constructed by government authorities. The growth of London in the 20 th century has been extensively planned. One notable feature has been the concept of a

Green Belt to save certain areas from intensive urban development. In 1982, a taxfree zone in the Docklands in the East Ends Tower Hamlets borough was created to stimulate development. Although the Canary Wharf financial center (with Lloyds futuristic building, opened in 1986) was initially slow to fill, it now rivals the City. 1. What is the purpose of the green belt of London? 2. In what way has London been modernized? 3. Which historical landmarks in London would you like to visit? 4. Why is intensive urban development considered to be harmful? EXAM CARD 30 Read the following text and answer the questions: An extreme popular queen, Elisabeth, has travelled more extensively than any previous British monarch. Throughout her reign, expanded media coverage has brought the monarchy closer to the British people. Although the queen, who in public is formal and unemotional, continues to be greatly admired and respected, since the mid-1980s a barrage of tabloid reports about her children and their spouses has seriously tarnished the royal image. In 1992 Elisabeth, the wealthiest woman in England agreed to pay income tax for the first time. Although she was widely criticized for her seeming insensitivity in the day following Princess Dianas death (1997), she regained the publics esteem by the time of her golden jubilee, less than five years later. 1 Why is Queen Elisabeth very popular? 2 What has brought damage to the royal image? 3 What are, in your opinion, the qualities of a good monarch? 4 How was Princess Diana perceived by the British people? EXAM CARD 31 Read the following text and answer the questions: In AD 43 the emperor Claudius began the Roman conquest of Britain, establishing bases at present-day London and Colchester. By AD 85, Rome controlled Britain south of the Clyde River. There were a number of revolts in the early years of the conquest, the most famous being that of Boadicea. In the 2nd century AD., Hadrians Wall was constructed as a northern defence line. Under the Roman occupation towns developed and roads were built to ensure the success of the military occupation. These roads were the most lasting Roman achievement in Britain, long serving as the basic arteries of overland transportation in England. 1. What happened in Britain after the Roman conquest? 2. What was the purpose of Hadrians Wall? 3. Why were roads considered a strategic priority? 4. What historical personality do you admire and why?

EXAM CARD 32 Read the following text and answer the questions: Many Americans are volunteering their time and efforts to help others. These volunteers do unpaid work in schools, hospitals and charity organizations. Some of them help raise money for non-profit organizations, cultural associations and handicapped people. I also wanted to become a social worker and volunteered to work with the street children. I had the strangest experience to discover bright, gentle, funny children who, like all children of their age, had their dreams and fears. Working and helping them made me a better person. 1. What do volunteers do? 2. What is the reward of volunteering? 3. What qualities should a social worker have? 4. Would you do volunteering activities? Why (not)? EXAM CARD 33 Read the text below and then answer the questions: In the middle of a garden there grew a rosebush. It was quite full of roses, and in one of these, the most beautiful of them all, there lived an elf. He was so small, that no human eye could see him; behind each petal of the rose he had a bedchamber. He was as well shaped and delightful as any child could be, and he had wings from his shoulders all the way down to his feet. Oh, what a fragrance there was in his chamber, and how bright and lovely were the walls! After all, they were the pale red, delicate rose petals. All day long, he amused himself in the warm sunshine, flying from flower to flower, dancing on the wings of the butterfly. 1. What is the text about? 2.What was the use of the rosebush for the elf? 3. Why did his chamber have a nice fragrance? 4. Describe the physical appearance of the elf. EXAM CARD 34 Read the text below and then answer the questions: The main parts of the gods venerated by the ancient Greeks used to live on Olympus and were led by Zeus and his wife Hera. The most important gods living on the Olympus were Zeuss two brothers: Poseidon, who lived in the ocean, and Hades, who lived in Hell together with his wife Persephone. The most important gods appreciated by the Greeks were: Ares-the god of war, Hermes-the god of trade, Athena-the goddess of wisdom, Aphrodite-the goddess of beauty, Artemis-the goddess of hunting and of the moon, and Eros-the god of love, Aphrodites son. The

gods had a very important part in humans life, as they decided who deserved to be happy and who deserved to be punished. 1) What is the text about? 2) Who were the gods Greeks appreciated most? 3) Who did gods have a very important part in humans life? 4) Speak about a legendary historical character. EXAM CARD 35 Read the text below and then answer the questions: Vicente Cabrera is a farmer. His farm is in Mexico, near the United States-Mexican border. He works in the field every day, where he also takes his three-years old son, Tomas. Vicente works while Tomas plays. One day, as Vicente was working, he realized that he no longer heard his son playing. He looked for Thomas, but couldnt find him. As there were holes in the fence separating the borders of the two countries, he thought that maybe Tomas crawled through a hole. The Mexican police phoned the American Border Patrol. The officers started looking for Tomas in the United States. They were worried, because the land near the border is desert. It is hot in the daytime and cold at night. Finally, they found Tomas under a bush. He was cold, hungry and thirsty. He had cuts on his feet and face, but he was alive. He was 24 kilometres away from his home. 1. What is the text about? 2. Where did little Tomas go? 3. Who helped the father find his son? 4. What lesson can we learn from the little boys experience? EXAM CARD 36 Read the following text and answer the questions: Today, some old customs have survived. In a traditional Japanese household, if a guest admires a particular object in the house, the host will give it to the guest straightaway. And it is still customary in parts of Russia to greet guests with bread and salt on a special cloth. The guest is required to kiss them and hand them back to the host. Sometimes the guest breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in the salt and eats it. 1. What is the text about? 2. What is the tradition in Russia about greeting guests? 3. What would a Japanese do if you admired an object in his/her house? 4. Name a Romanian tradition related to greeting guests. EXAM CARD 37 Read the text bellow and then answer the questions: Sean left school at thirteen and worked from dawn to dusk doing any jobs he could find. The milk round provided most of his income, thought it was like a hobby for

him, because he loved looking after Titch, the horse that pulled his milk cart. But as Sean approached his seventeen birthday, he was keen to extend his experience of life beyond his work, football and local dances. Despite his parents objections, he signed on for seven years with the Royal Navy, boasting to his friends that he was off to see the world. 1. What is the text about? 2. What did Sean do for a living? 3. What did he want to do, actually? 4. What is your opinion about Sean? EXAM CARD 38 Read the text below and then answer the questions: About four years ago, during a tube strike, I was in a taxi, running late for a meeting. As we passed a showroom, I saw this Piaggio scooter in the window. Thats when I had my flash of inspiration. I jumped out of the cab, did the paperwork in 15 minutes, got on the bike and arrived at the meeting in time. The bike cant go above 50 kilometres an hour, but because you can overtake lines of cars it doesnt seem slow. It has shrunk London for me and means I do extra business. I certainly couldnt fit in as many meetings without it. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? What was the result of a flash of inspiration? What is the main advantage of having a scooter in London? What traffic problem in London is mentioned in the text?

EXAM CARD 39 Read the text below and then answer the questions: Many visitors to Venice dream of living there, but the reality is that around 1,500 Venetians a year leave the city. Many of them are young families unable to cope with the cost of living or find an affordable place to live. The resident population has shrunk by half over the past thirty years, causing great concern that Venice is turning into a museum city for tourists, where nothing is real any more. In an effort to attract residents back, city developers have suggested re-introducing traditional industries such as glass and lace, filling in some canals to allow traffic in and building underground roads to the mainland. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? Why do residents leave Venice? What has been done to attract residents back? What do you think will happen in Venice in the future?

EXAM CARD 40 Read the text below and then answer the questions:

Next week, at the age of 50, Ray Mouncey will set out on the awful task he has set himself-to run 575 km through Death Valley and the Mojave Desert in California. Each day for 18 days, he will run the same distance as a runner in a marathon race. From this cruel and unusual punishment, he hopes to raise enough money to achieve his ambition. This is to raise enough money through sponsorship to set up a special needs centre for disabled children and their families. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? What is Ray going to do the next week? What is his ambition? What is your opinion about Ray Mouncey?

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