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Facebook: Heroes of Science

Flag Basic Information Birth place: Vinci, Italy Born: 15th of April 1452 Died: 2nd of May 1519 Attended the Artisans school Florence Status: Talented Artisan Famous Quotes Study the science of art and the art of science. The five senses are the ministers of the soul. Anyone who argues by referring to authority is not using his mind but rather his memory. 13 The Wall Learned about anatomy of humans by dissecting corpses.

Leonardo daVinci
Relationship Status

Single, No children.

Friends and Mentors Uncle Francesco, Andrea del Verrocchio Duke Ludovico Sforza Cesare Borgia Niccol Machiavelli King Francis I

Invented the first robot in the shape of an armored knight.

Groups Florence artisans guild Inventors corner Post your Philosophy Discovered Light and sound waves by observing thunder and lightning and watching a rock drop into a pond.

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