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Sick Girl 42208194264290 1807024812426 4180

Sick Girl

BOSH Joshua Davidson Photographer T: +44 (0) 7850 250148 42208194264290 1807024812426 4180 Sick Girl 42208194264290 1807024812426 4180

42208194264290 1807024812426 4180


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Social Coding: a term I have fashioned to Since a young age I have been fascinated with how we work, how our ancestral backgrounds determine what we will become, I believe that this is a code that defines us and is formed by the nature of our youth, influenced by our elders in guiding us to our predicted place amongst society. It is your past that shapes your future. represent the ideology behind my photography. It incorporates the means of three different genres of fashion as the output, and is aesthetically presented like that of street or documentary photography. Sick Girl


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