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Cum vorbim despre vreme

Its a lovely morning!

Este o dimineata placuta

Its a lovely day!

Este o zi placuta

Whats the weather like today ?

Cum e vremea azi?

Its ...

Fine - frumos Bad - urat Hot - cald Cold - frig Chilly - racoare

Its mild for this time of the year.

Este cald pt aceasta perioada a anului

Its cold for this time of the year.

Este rece pt aceasta perioada a anului

They say its going to snow.

Se spune ca va ninge/va fi soare.

They say its going to be sunny.

Se spune ca fi soare.

Its an early spring.

Este o primavara timpurie.

Its a hot summer.

Este o vara torida.

Its a wet autumn.

Its a dry autumn.
Este o toamna secetoasa/ ploioasa.

Its a dry autumn.

Este o toamna secetoasa.

Its supposed to turn colder.

Se presupune ca vremea se va raci.

Its sunny.
Este soare.

Its windy.
Bate vantul.

Its foggy.
Este ceata

Its cloudy.

E innorat.

Its cold.

E frig.

Its warm.

E cald.

Its hot.

E arsita.

Its snowing.


Its raining.


The (weather ) forecast.

Buletinul meteorologic

The temperature is around zero.

Temperatura este in jur de zero grade.

Its 25 degrees (centigrades).

Sunt 25 de grade Celsius.

Whats the weather like today ?

Cum e vremea azi?

Its going to rain.

O sa ploua.

It drizzling.

Its pouring.
Ploua torrential.

The mist is lifting.

Ceata se ridica.

It may freeze tonight.

Probabil va fi inghet la noapte.

Its freezing stiff.

E ger de crapa pietrele.

The snow is melting.

Zapada se topeste.

Its thawing.
Se dezgheata.

Its their first snowman!

E primul lor om de zapada!

The sky is clear.

Cerul e senin.

The wind is starting to blow.

Incepe sa bata vantul.

The sky is overcast.

Cerul e acoperit de nori.

The weather is getting worse.

Vremea se strica.

Were having terrible weather.

E o vreme oribila.

I caught a cold because of the bad weather.

Am racit din cauza vremii rele.

Im hot. Im cold.

Mi-e cald.

Mi-e frig.

This heat is unbearable.

Caldura e insuportabila.

Im soaked.
Sunt ud leoarca.

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