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A painting by Monica Alday
The Editor, A welcome worthy idea. Congratulations.

Sir I as an Indian feel ashamed of our forefront runners with flags and
slogans and false promises and getting tired and sick of reading or
viewing news about our mean politicians having no ethics in lives.

Sir do we have at least 1(one) to be named as a real LEADER in its literal

meaning. None of the present day Indian political trickers are concerned
about the common man except in their words in platforms

They all are same eventhough they talk different in day time.
They form a common question/answer format in in privacy and blow
it out to the public who in turn take sides and make caos in society
and problems to the poor.

A day must come soon the public stand against them and keep them
away and do an alternative system of government of the people, for t
he people and by the people.

We all have friends and relatives in this groups but let us feel pity of t
hem and think of alternative ideas


Hai Dear Keraliyam,

I think it is good for all kerala malayalies all report weekly it is

a problem i need hot news daily in kerala that is better in my
suggession put all detail politics ,sports, economy ,cricket ,
cinema etc................................................................. go
forward and "Best of Luck " for this attempt of this .
Also provide reply this e-mail which site .
Cnce again congratulation for doing

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