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Adjectifs dmonstratifs: This - these - that - those


En anglais, les dmonstratifs -ce, ces- se classent en 2 catgories: on distingue ce qui est prs de ce qui est loin, tout comme en franais avec ceci et cela.

Dbutants Exercice d'anglais 'Adjectifs dmonstratifs: This - these - that - those' cr le 21-07-2007 18:26 par bridg avec Le gnrateur de tests - crez votre propre test! Voir les statistiques de russite de ce test d'anglais

Application: Choisissez entre this et these.

----- bicycles are yours. Look! I really like ---- dress. Listen to -----song, you'll like it. What do you think of ----- pictures in your book?

----- gift is for you, I think. Watch ----- earrings! I bought them this morning.

Application: Choisissez entre that et those.

----- clouds are forbidding. ----- is his car over there. Could you bring me ----- book Peter gave you yesterday? I would like some of ----- cakes on that shelf!

From my window I saw ----- two boys sitting on a bench.

Choisissez maintenant entre ces 4 adjectifs dmonstratifs.

I prefer ---- hotel, it's cheaper than that one. Do you want ----- ones or those ones? What are you doing with ----- pencil in your hand? Look at the sunset! ----- is great! What do you know about ----- children who work in the world? Could you repeat please? I didn't catch ----- words. Do you remember ----- French actress who played in 'Marie' in 1956? It's too far; I have never been over there in ----- country. Put immediately your glass on ----- table please. I saw ----- people running in the street and I shut my window.

Gardez l'oeil ouvert

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