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SALIR: Thisform.

release GUARDAr:

SELECT table2 GO top LOCATE FOR codigo=thisform.text1.Value IF FOUND() thisform.text2.Value=nombre thisform.text3.Value=apellido thisform.text4.Value=telefono ELSE WAIT WINDOW("este registro no se encuentra") ENDIF RETURN

SELECT table2 GO top LOCATE FOR codigo= thisform.text1.Value)) IF FOUND() DELETE WAIT WINDOW("el registro ha sido eliminado") thisform.text1.Value="" thisform.text2.Value="" thisform.text3.Value="" thisform.text4.Value="" ELSE

WAIT WINDOW("el registro no se encuentra") ENDIF RETURN

SELECT TABLAPROVEEDOR GO top LOCATE FOR codigo=thisform.text1.Value IF FOUND() replace replace replace replace replace replace NOMBRE WITH thisform.text2.value APELLIDO WITH thisform.text3.Value DIRECCION WITH thisform.text4.Value TELEFONO WITH thisform.text5.Value EMAIL WITH thisform.text6.Value OBSERVACION WITH thisform.EDIT1.Value

WAIT WINDOW("SU REGISTRO HA SIDO MODIFICADO") thisform.text1.Value="" thisform.text2.Value="" thisform.text3.Value="" thisform.text4.Value="" thisform.TEXT5.Value="" thisform.EDIT1.Value="" ELSE WAIT WINDOW("ESTE REGISTRO NO EXISTE") ENDIF RETURN

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