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Letter of Disassociation To: the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witness's & The WTB&TS To: the Elders of my Local

Congregation August 14, 1998 I have been asked to have a meeting by the elders of my local congregation. I have been queried about my doubt that Jehovah's Witness's are the one and only true organization. I told an elder during a public meeting that I would not meet with the elders in private but a letter would be forthcoming. I will summarize this matter as follows: 1. Personal Background 2. My Study of Society History 3. Primary Issues are as follows: a. Nondisclosure about history, b. Disingenuousness About Financial Matters, c. Doctrinal Changes, d. Control and Authority, e. Prophesy, f. Maintaining Appearances, g. The Primacy of the Organization 4. Statement of Legal Directives 5. Conclusion I ask you to read this letter with an open mind. I hope that you will consider how the issues I raise have affected me. I also trust that your love of truth will move you to think deeply about the matters I discuss here, inasmuch as they concern any thinking Christian. Personal Background When I studied and then joined this organization. I was told with great urgency that the end of the system of things was at hand. Many speculators kept me at the edge of my seat thinking I had to rush to get on board this anti-typical ark. I reasoned that the Society, being God's soul channel of communication on earth, would be able to withstand any investigation and come through with flying colors. In Chapter One of "The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life", it said that we need to examine what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. It assured me that lovers of truth had nothing to fear from such an examination. Anther Society publication said we should learn everything we could about our religion. This highlighted the need to "make sure of all things". It was my responsibility before God to carefully consider everything I was taught. After much soul-searching and prayer, I have conducted a thorough investigation of the Society's activities and teaching, both past and present. I avoided what you term "apostate" literature, finding most of the information I needed in the Society's writings. My Study of Society's History While going through a near complete loss of all I owned and with no "breath of fresh air in sight". I needed to grip onto a firm belief in what I held my faith in. To my dismay, I found the exact opposite of what I had hoped for. The Society has a history of temporary theories and speculations , along with calculations, chronologies, and predictions that are supported in strange ways (measurements inside a

pyramid, measurements of distances between two cities in New York and Pennsylvania, the alignment of planets, and so on). I was stunned to learn that the Society had such outlandish ideas in the past. Further comparison of past and present Society literature uncovered a tendency to rewrite history, withholding information to make things appear different than they really were. I discovered countless doctrinal shifts--a grave disappointment to me, since I had assumed our primary beliefs were solid. Perhaps the greatest disappointment to me was the long list of predictions made by the Society that did not come to pass. The Society asserts that it is "spirit directed"--God's only "channel of communication" at what they say is the most critical time in history. Considering what I learned of their past, I was forced to ask some hard questions. We are exhorted to accept, without debate, the current understanding of the Governing Body. We are expected to behave as if they were directly inspired by Jehovah. This applies to matters of prediction as well as to matters in which the Bible is not explicit. These directives are to be followed even to the point of death, which is especially distressing in those cases where the Society changes its position a few years later. Primary Issues Nondisclosure About History I would like to ask why we are not taught that the Society firmly believed the following things: a. The beginning of the "last days" were in 1799, 1874, 1915, 1914. b. The end of the "last days" were in 1914, 1925, and 1975. c. The time for Jesus' parousia: 1874, 1914, 1925. d. The Watchtower stated as "indisputed fact" that "beyond a doubt".... Jesus would appear in 1874 and begin to rule as King in 1878. e. That Jerusalem was destroyed in 606 BCE (later changed to 607 BCE). f. The time for Armageddon to begin: 1874, 1914, 1920, 1925 (all specified explicitly in writing) and 1975 ( also written but phrased more cautiously ). g. The time for Abraham, King David etc. to be resurrected and live on the earth: 1925. h. The end of the 6,000 years was 1874 (later changed to 1975). i. Jesus returned invisibly in 1874 (changed to 1929, which means that the Society was "selected as God's organization" (1919)at a time when they did not even know when Jesus had arrived.) Why do most Witness's today not know these things were believed just as firmly as we believe in 1914 now? Should not the Society, in full humiliation, let us know of these things? Disingenuousness About Financial Matters

When the distribution of literature was changed to "donation only", we were told that this was done to make the information more accessible. Yet we were never told the whole story. The Society and various other churches filed a "Friend of the Court" brief on behalf of Jimmy Swaggart when the State of California imposed a 6% sales tax on his "Ministries". When Swaggart lost the case, the Society could no longer "sell" literature without paying sales tax. Within one month of Swaggarts loss, the Society changed to the "donation" policy, which completely solved the tax situation. This saved the Society a lot of money. Why did they not tell us? The Society provides the literature on a "donation" basis in countries that tax "contributions". In countries without this tax situation, householders are asked to contribute--even it the country is so poor the contributions are a serious burden ( Atlanta Journal, March 3, 1990 ). Why does the Society keep this information private? We were told that the brothers in Mexico had been oppressed by the government, so that they they could not sing or pray at meetings. We were not told that the Society had registered as a "cultural" organization because religious organizations were not allowed to own property in Mexico. As a "cultural" organization the brothers were obliged to downplaythe religious aspect. The restrictions upon their actions derived primarily from a Society decision rather than government action. Here in North America you have nice, comfortable, Kingdom Halls with cushioned air conditioned comfort. There is not even one Kingdom Hall to share among 50 congregations in Maputa. They have to sit on straw mats in the open air. They do not have enough magazines, so they have to either memorize or "listen carefully" in order to "answer correctly". Why can't the Society send them free literature. After all it owns billions of dollars worth of real estate and holdings. Does Jehovah show partiality to those in poorer, less affluent countries? Doctrinal Changes The Society has a long history of changing rules, which have had profound effects on peoples' lives. Consider the matter of blood: At one time all blood products were unacceptable. Later, it was acceptable to take on transfusion (considered as medicine, not nutrition). Later still, "small amounts" were allowed, then not even minute fractions were allowed. Other changes followed. Is this evidence of guidance from the God who never changes? Is the light "growing brighter" when "new light"reverts back to "old light"? At one time hemophiliacs were forbidden to take blood fractions. The June 15, 1978 Watchtower changed this rule to "a matter of conscience". Prior to that issue, if someone had followed their conscience, they would have become disfellowshipped outcasts -- believed worthy of destruction by God. Organ transplants were called, "wonders of modern surgery" in 1949 ( Awake 12-19-49 ) In 1967, organ transplants were forbidden: "Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic." In 1980 the position reverted back to "a matter of individual conscience." Would God who does not change (Malachi 3:6), allow people to die because of the vacillation of his "faithful and discrete slave"? Doctrines regarding vaccinations, birth control, rape, resurrection, and marital sex have been changed many times, affecting millions of faithful Witnesses. How many lives have suffered needlessly? Is Jehovah not capable of accurately relating to his "chosen" people what HE wants them to do? Can HE not reveal "new light" well enough to prevent us from seeing the exact opposite of what he is trying to reveal? IF we must have the truth revealed in stages, can HE not assist us in seeing each incremental

part of the whole correctly? There are no Biblical accounts of Jehovah relating messages to His people which were then "mixed up" along the way. Noah didn't misunderstand Him, nor did Moses, As humans, they made mistakes, but, not in relaying messages from Jehovah. Control and Authority The governing body controls or attempts to control every aspect of our lives: how we spend our time, how we dress, what we read and listen to, how we speak, with whom we speak, with whom we associate, how we spend our vacations, what type of work we can do, and even how we think. We are not really allowed to make decisions based on our own consciences. IF we do not agree totally with the current interpretations of the Governing Body, we are disfellowshipped. Who are the people who exert such control? Their authority derives from the organization founded by Charles Taz Russell, a man who used the measurements of the corridors of the Great Pyramid in Gigeh to help prove the validity of the "end of the Gentile Times" (Watchtower, June 15, 1922). Consider also what Russell wrote about 1914: "When Uranus and Jupiter meet in the humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his own salvation, and will insure the ultimate realization of dreams and ideals of all poets and sages in history." Apparently astrology and pyramidology had a part in the determination of the year 1914. Could that have been from God? A man such as this was chosen above all others to be "over all Christ's belongings"? I have found through reliable sources the Society quoted in support of the dates 607 BCE and 1914 CE. I frequently found that the information they presented was either incorrect, or grossly misconstrued, in order to support C.T.Russell's personal ideas. The date 1914 is crucial to almost everything we believe in. It is scandalous when information from quoted sources is misrepresented to "prove" a doctrine. Anyone who takes the time to look these things up will surely feel angered at what appears to be deliberate deception. Returning to the matter of authority: if the Bible isn't explicit about something, isn't explicit about something, isn't it presumptuous for a dozen men in Brooklyn, who have decided they are Jehovah's sole channel, to issue their personal interpretations regarding matters that run from petty little details to matters of life and death? Millions of people are basing almost every decision they make on the ever-changing interpretations of these men. Prophecy While the Society generally avoids calling itself a "prophet", it nevertheless puts on the prophet's mantle. Here are some examples: "The indisputable facts, therefore, show that the "time of the end began in 1799;that the Lord's second presence began in 1874." Note the words, "indisputable facts".

"We see no reason for changing the figures-nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble."

"We have no doubt whatever in regards to the chronology relating to the dates of 1874, 1914, 1918, and 1925...The Lord has placed the stamp of his seal upon 1914 and 1918 beyond any possibility of erasure..." "There can be no more question about 1925 than there was about 1914." Since it is obvious that 1925 was invalid, in line with their reasoning would it not also mean 1914 is invalid as well?

"True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming twenty six years all the present governments will be over-thrown and dissolved." Were they in fact, overthrown and dissolved?

"We are already living in the seventh millenium since October, 1872."

"The period must end in 1925,,,millions now living on earth will be living then and those who obey the righteous laws of the new arrangement will live forever. Therefore it can be confidently said at this time that millions now living will never die."

"We may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected and fully restored to perfect humanity and made the visible, legal representatives of the new order of things on earth."

Obviously, Armageddon didn't occur in 1925, nor were the "saints" resurrected. Thousands left the Society as a result of these failed predictions. How can we condemn those who departed after such a dismal performance by the Society? Maintaining Appearances For those who left and those who stayed everyone tried to forget what happened in 1975...I can remember how eminent the end was being painted to me by many elders.. The sense of urgency to Preach the "good news". Did these elders dream this stuff up or did the Organization give clear indications of how we should think. "According to this trustworthy Bible chronology, six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 CE. So six thousand years of man's existence on earth will soon be up, yes within this generation. So in not many years within our own generation we are reaching what Jehovah God could view as the seventh day of man's existence."

The May 1974 "Kingdom Ministry" said this: "Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end." Was this not a clear mandate from the Society? Why did the Society encourage such behavior? Where are these brothers now, two decades later? How were they rewarded for their sacrifice? In the wake of the 1975 debacle, the Society blames those who heeded their call. They are accused of "reading more into it than was actually said", not wanting to "wait on Jehovah". They say "never did we prophesy in "Jehovah's name". Never did we say, "Jehovah said this" Yet consider the monthly masthead in Awake!, prior to October 15, 1995: "Most important, this magazine builds confidence the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 pass away." They are explicitly stating that it is Jehovah who is making the promise. They are speaking in His name. (Compare Deuteronomy 18:21) The masthead has now changed, along with the understanding of the meaning of "this generation'. It had to be so, since the generation alive in 1914 was dying off. Jehovah never changes. His promises never fail. So why the change? Could it be that Jehovah never promised what the Awake masthead claimed? Do we say the Society achieved a "clearer understanding", or do we say, with humility, that they were just plain wrong? Why does the Society work so hard to hide its errors? The Primacy of the Organization We are cautioned against individual study of the Bible. We are told that without the organization, the Bible cannot be understood, and that is an "organizational book, not belonging to the individual". This places more importance on the Watchtower and the organization that on the Bible itself. In our "Bible studies", we actually read hundreds of words of Society interpretation for every word we read from the Bible. Over the past century, the Society has but forth countless failed predictions. It seems clear to me that the men in charge are just that: ordinary men. I see no indication that they are being directed by a perfect God who never changes. Despite this, they demand exclusive devotion to the organization. An organization created by, and run by, mere humans. Statement and Legal Directives I hereby firmly assert that I no longer wish to be affiliated with the Watchtower and Bible and Tract Society in any way. The Watchtower and Bible and Tract Society demands devotion almost indistinguishable from the devotion that should be accorded only to God. I consider the idolatry, of which I will have no part. Nor will I be a "follower of men" (i.e. the Governing Body). I do not accept the Watchtowers definition of "apostate" I am not forsaking my faith in God. I an not denying Jesus Christ or Jehovah, I am forsaking the Watchtower Society and that is not apostasy. If you consider me an apostate this is a personal opinion, but you have no right to impose that view on anyone else, including any family member of mine. I expressly forbid you to refer to me as an "apostate", either publicly or to my children, unless you are willing to accept possible litigation. I also refuse to allow you to have an further private meetings with

of any kind with any underage children of mine I believe that the majority of Jehovah's Witness's are good and sincere people who truly believe they are doing what is right. However, I am now convinced that the Watchtower Society is NOT God's organization. Since the Society demands total devotion, this decision was the only one I could make in all good conscience. I have not made this decision lightly; it was arrived at only after much thought and prayer. Regardless of what decisions my brothers and sisters are directed to do regarding affiliation or association with me I will always love them and if one day they decide that this organization is not for them either I will be there for them and will encourage them. Conclusion You ask me, Am I nourishing my spirituality? Where will I go? And if this is not the truth, what is? Peter asked Jesus, not where, but "whom shall we go away to?" "For you have the sayings of everlasting life." Peter was not speaking of an organization; he was speaking of Jesus, who himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the man comes to the father except by me." The Bible is clear on what we need to gain life. It does not mention an organization. The Society has interpreted the "faithful and discrete slave" parable very broadly indeed. I do not have all the answers but it is clear that the society surely doesn't have them either. I am thankful that regardless of the negative images you may project upon me, only God is able to look into the heart. Only HE stands as my judge. The Bible says, "keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and it will be opened unto you." My heart is in the right place, I believe it will be so. Sincerely, EX-JW

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