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HSI: Historical Scene Investigation//Who fired the first shot at Lexington and Concord? Who wrote When?

the document? Document Joseph April 26, 1 Warren 1775 What type of document? letter Why was this document Who fired the first shot? written? To whom was it written? Tell the citizens of Great British Britain that the war has started and the British fired the first shot. To have a case of who fired the first shot. The Justice of Peace. British

Document Nathaniel 2 Mulliken, Philip Russel, and 32 other minuteme n Document Howard 3 Fast

April 25, 1775


Published Fiction, in 1961 historical fiction in a book. novel April 19 1775 Diary entry

To tell what happened, to entertain, to help people learn about what happened. Himself To just keep track for himself of what happened To inform people about current events To the citizens of London Himself To just keep track for himself of what happened To learn Highschool

I doesnt say

Document Lieutenant 4 John Barker Document London 5 Gazette


June 10, 1775

Newspaper article


Document Ezra Stiles 6

August 21, 1775

Diary entry


Document Samuel 7 Stienberg, Allyn and Bacon Document Jeremy 8 Lister

Published Textbook 1963



Personal Naritive

To tell his story to readers


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