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Frigid Void

A game of unearthly arctic survival

For 2-6 players

Frigid Void is a roleplaying game in which you play as an intrepid explorer of the freezing expanse which we call the solar system. Far from being the swashbuckling adventure portrayed so often in media, space exploration is a difficult and harrowing venture not for the faint of heart. Suffocation, asteroid collision, extreme temperatures and simple psychosis are all common fates of careless cosmonauts. However, there are also unknown mysterious happenings in deep space, elements that defy all rational explanation. Keep your mind focused, your breath held, and maybe a finger on a trigger, or else you won't last long out on the solar frontier. To play Frigid Void, you'll need at least 2 players, a Game Master to run the game, and a couple of 10-sided dice in addition to the regular d4s, d6s, d8s, and d12s. Also handy are some pieces of paper to write your character information down on and anything of note that you may find in the game.

The World The world of Frigid Void is much like ours, only slightly more geared towards space exploration. The rapid consumption of fossil fuels had allowed solar power and other forms of renewable energy to flourish, but the still resource-strapped

Earth looked to the stars to power and expand its empire. Bickering nations were all united under one planetary government, one riddled with bureaucracy and red tape. The sleek and sexy aesthetic of early space exploration has faded after decades of use and practical routine, leading most spacecraft and equipment to having a rustic, worn look, even if said technology is newly produced. Holograms and integrated communications have become commonplace, but the threat of static and eventual isolation in the fickle solar winds is still present. A couple of colonies have been established on celestial bodies such as the Moon, Mars and the Asteroid Belt, but beyond the red planet is still considered to be the fringe of the system. This series of planets and moons stretching from Jupiter to beyond Pluto is known as the Frigid Void for its cold environments. Humanity as a whole has a new frontier to explore, but with that frontier comes new dangers, new challenges, and new opportunities for many that cannot have them on Earth. Such individuals heed the call to establish new colonies, brave new flight paths, and conquer insurmountable opposition to humanity's existence. Individuals like you.

Character Creation Your character in Frigid Void can be described by their Abilities, or common traits that each of them possess. These Abilities are: Strength: A character's vitality, endurance and physical power Mind: A character's smarts, cunning and knowledge Agility: A character's dexterity, quickness and physical balance Will: A character's force of personality, sanity and resolve When you roll an Ability check on a d10, you aim to have the target number be within your Ability range. For example, Kendra, a ship pilot, wants to dodge an incoming asteroid from colliding with her ship by using Agility. She has 7 points in Agility, so when she rolls a d10, she wants to have the number be a 7 or below to succeed the check. She rolls a 6, which means she was successfully able to avoid the collision with one of the asteroids!

Each Ability starts at a score of 3. You have 7 points to raise each Ability by however much you want. An Ability cannot be raised above 10.

Classes Aside from your Abilities, your character also has a series of talents that make them stand out from the everyday Earth-dweller. These talents are described in what class they belong to. Regardless of class, every character has at least 10 hitpoints. The classes available to choose from are: Boss
A natural or well-made leader, with the grit and determination to see any situation through. Bosses may not necessarily be the captain of a ship or the head of an expedition, but they're always capable when in command and make the whole stronger than the parts. Class Features: +1 to Will Once per session, a Boss can add a +1 to another player's Ability check. This player must be able to communicate with the Boss and willing to receive help from the Boss. Bosses know how make the most out of a bad situation, no matter the cost. At character creation a Boss may designate one Ability score. That Ability score can be rerolled once per session when rolled as a check, but the

player must use the second result.

Navigation through the confusing dimensions of space is a nightmare for those used to traditional planet-side travel, and the different conditions on planets require machines suited to tasks beyond that of human ability, which are why Pilots are in heavy demand. Whether your character attended a formal military academy for vehicular training or learned to fly on their own time, they're among the best of the best in the business. Class Features: +1 to Agility Good Pilots are valued highly among amongst the spacefaring populace for their competence, and thus are often better-off financially than some of their counterparts. A Pilot gains an extra 75 credits to their starting wealth, and is paid 15% extra of a usual monthly income or mission reward as long as they successfully accomplish their objectives. Pilots are able to get a vehicle moving quicker than it would normally take. When activating a vehicle, a Pilot takes one less turn to get it fully operational.

Ever since the first colonization effort, travel has been fraught with danger. Bandits, shady organizations, and mercenaries stalk the solar system, raiding vessels and fighting for territory against the encroachment of the Earth's government. To suppress these forces and keep the peace, Soldiers are needed. A weaponmaster, juggernaut or the universe's ultimate badass, a Soldier is a force unto themselves. Class Features: +1 to Strength Soldiers are trained to make the most out of any strike, getting a +2 to damage rolls with any kind of weapon. Soldiers gain a +2 to their starting hit points.

The maintenance of space-faring technology and gear requires a very high level of skill, as does the study of planetary and lunar environments. A Technician is a master of their craft, knowing the in-and-outs of their subject whether it be the operations of a pulse rifle or the watery oceans below Europa's icy surface. Class Features: +1 to Mind Technicians are able to repair objects more easily than others, with often less materials available. The number of rounds needed to repair an object, construct a new one, or improve the workings of one are decreased by two for a Technician.

Technicians are logical, and thus don't break down mentally as quickly as others. It takes 4 failed Will checks to break down a Technician into madness, rather than 3.

Actions and Rounds During an intense situation, the game plays according to a series of Rounds. To decide the initiative and order of action amongst the players, each player rolls an d10. The player with the highest score goes first, followed by the second highest, etc. In the event of a tie, the tied players each roll again until the tie is broken. Once each player has taken their turn, the order of initiative repeats again until the situation is resolved. In each round, a player may take an Action and two Minor Actions. An Action consists of one major task, such as firing a weapon, hacking a computer, lifting a boulder, running for your life, or dodging an incoming attack. A Minor Action is something not so important, such as climbing a ladder under no duress, activating a targeting computer, or loading a firearm.

Equipment Each player starts out with 200 credits (the currency of Frigid Void) to spend on equipment. Minor purchases such as regular clothing or tattoos have no cost. G.E.A.R.: Gravitational Environmental Activity Rigging, a personal suit of protection. Has been mass-marketed for space survival amongst many civilian colonists, but only higher-level G.E.A.R.s have oxygen supplies and durable environmental protection.
Basic G.E.A.R.

20 credits

3 pounds

Consists of a spinemounted health monitor and small wrist communicator, 5 miles of coms service. Once mass-produced, now a valuable collector's item. Has health monitor, large wrist communicator, 7 miles. Wearer gains a +3 to their hitpoints while using it, but also a -2 to all Agility checks because of its bulk. Standard armor for any respectable military

Vintage G.E.A.R.

150 credits

65 pounds

Military G.E.A.R.

70 credits

30 pounds

force. Has health monitor, flashlight, medium-wrist communicator, 10 miles. +1 to wearers hitpoints. Engineering G.E.A.R.

60 credits

25 pounds

Regular engineering armor, protects against a variety of factors. Has health monitor, mediumwrist communicator, 7 miles. Airtank installed, 25 minutes. Has zerogravity jets. G.E.A.R. designed for extreme thermal and zero-gravity environments. Has health monitor, mediumwrist communicator, 6 7 miles. Resistant against extreme cold or heat. Airtank installed, 60 minutes. Has zerogravity jets.

Survival G.E.A.R.

100 credits

40 pounds

Plasma Pistol Pulse Rifle Contact Gun Flamethrower Detonator

40 credits 70 credits 80 credits 110 credits 90 credits

2 pounds 5 pounds 6 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds

1d6+1 plasma damage, ranged 30ft 1d8+2 force damage, ranged 50ft 2d6 plasma damage, ranged 15ft 4d4 fire damage, ranged 15ft 2d8+1 explosion damage, ranged 10ft. Each shot can be affixed to a surface, triggered when being is within 4 ft. 1d12+1 ripping damage, melee

Mining Saw

50 credits

4 pounds

Space Ships


500 credits

Minor space vessel. Able to travel to nearby space stations, atmosphere flotillas, and asteroids. Unsuited for long-ranged space travel, able to seat 1-4 persons. 2 turns to get fully operational. Medium-sized space vessel. Full life support, livable quarters. Has 2 port plasma cannons, no warp drive. 4 turns to get fully operational Large-sized space vessel. Full life support, livable quarters, medical deck, engineering, mining deck. 8 mass-driver cannons, warp drive. 7 turns to get fully operational.


2000 credits


Madness The mental toll of space exploration is a constant threat in the Void. Isolation, psychosis, and desperation are all common causes of mental degradation amongst cosmonauts. But there is something else within the Void, something supernatural. The farther one goes from the center of the solar system, the more evident it becomes that things are not exactly how humanity imagined when they idealized the universe. Whether it's the simple feeling of being watched, or terrible hallucinations of monsters, an explorer's mettle is often tested as they strive to achieve the impossible in space. Whenever the Game Master has something out of the ordinary or obviously super natural occur to a player, the player is required to make a Will check. On a success, the player's character is able to successfully fight off the madness for the time being. On a failure, the character begins to become distracted by their hallucinations. A second failure causes the character to begin to confuse reality with the hallucinations, and a third failure causes the character to become completely consumed by the madness.

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