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Act Sugar Act Quartering Act Stamp Act

Declaratory Act

Townshend Act

Tea Act

What It Did Put taxes on foreign molasses and sugar. Colonists had to pay/ house and feed for British soldiers in their area. Forced people to pay taxes on certain items. EX: newspapers, legal documents, playing cards. Stated that the Parliament had the right to rule and tax the colonies. Warning against protesting. (He is saying Im the boss) Taxed foreign paint, glass, lead, paper, and tea coming to America. Allowed British soldiers to go into colonists houses looking for smuggled goods. Made the colonists tea more taxed, and lord Norths tea cheaper. Closed Boston Harbor, reduced the rights of the colonists, troops can live in colonists homes. English soldier accused of crime are sent back to England for a trial. Let French into the ORV, expanding Canada.

Colonists Response Refuse to pay the tax They were annoyed and objected. Formed the Sons of liberty.

Made them angrier and made them want to protest more. Protesting, petitioning, signing the non-taxing agreement

This is when the Boston Tea Party happened. Fight back, 1st Continental Congress. They cant stand this act

Coercive Act/Intolerable Acts

Quebec Act

Angry, more protests I cant believe the King is letting the French go into the ORV, and not us.

Type of Rebellion Sons of Liberty

Protest Boycott

What It Did Seized and burned piles of stamps, Riots Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party, protesting against the British army. Refuse to buy british goods that are taxed.

Daughters of Liberty Boston Tea Party

1st Continental Congress

Refused to buy British goods, made their own cloth/clothes, dont drink British tea. Write in newspapers. Sons of Liberty dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor because they thought it was unfair that only the colonists tea was being dumped. Reaction to Tea Act. First meeting of Representatives except for Georgia to talk about what the King is doing. Approve a Militia. Militia is made up of regular people that are training to fight. Write a letter to King George asking for peace. Sends his army, Paul Revere does the Midnight ride, and Second Continental congress meet.

Second Continental Congress

George Washington becomes leader of the Continental Army. They write what is called the Olive Branch to make peace. They were declared as rebels, so colonists go to war against Great Britain.

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