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Narrow Path Youth Ministries 2013 Commitment to Excellence PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING!

I commit, as a member of Narrow Path Youth Ministries, that I will, at all times, behave in a way that reflects the life, ministry, and message of Jesus Christ through Fellowship, Missions, Discipleship, Worship, and Ministry.
I will behave in a manner that represents Jesus Christ. I will show my commitment by bringing my Bible and a Notebook to Church & Bible Study. I will treat my peers with nothing but the excellence they deserve. I will respect Church Property and the property of others. I will regularly attend and be involved in Narrow Path events. I will use appropriate language. I will have a positive attitude. I will respect and obey decisions of the Youth Director and Youth Leaders. I will get permission to leave the group if we are on a trip away from the church. I will seek the guidance of an adult leader when I am unsure of what to do. I will not possess illegal or inappropriate substances or materials at NPYM events. (for example: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, illegal medications, fireworks, firearms ) I will honor God in all of my relationships through purity and respect.

I also understand that failure to obey these rules may result in being sent home early from a trip, paying for damaged property, suspension from certain Narrow Path events, or whatever course of discipline agreed upon by the Youth Director, Youth Coordinators, Student Leaders, and/or the Senior Pastor. If you have any questions about what you are committing to do when you sign this, please dont hesitate to ask. It is important for you to understand what is expected of you from your church, your family, your youth leaders, and, most importantly, God. Signed, ________________________________ Please Print Name Here ________________________________ Date: ________________________________

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