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Physics key definitions Moving about Acceleration-the rate of change of velocity, can speed up or slow down Displacement-Change in position

Change in position in a given direction Energy-capacity to do work Equilibrium-The state in which a body does not undergo any change in its motion Gravity-The force of gravitation on an object Impulse-The product of force and time, equals the change in momentum Inertia-The tendency of an object to resist change in motion Instantaneous velocity-the velocity at the particular instant of time Law of conservation of energy-energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only change in form. Law of conservation of momentum-the sum of momenta before collision is equal to the sum of momenta after the collision. Mass-the amount of matter in an object. Momentum-The product of mass and velocity Motion-change in positive relative to the observer. Scalar-quanity defined by only magnitude Vector-quanitiy defined by both magnitude and direction Velocity-the rate of change in displacement Weight - the force of gravity on an object Work-The product of force displacement.

The world communicate Amplitude-half the height of a wave Crest-the top of a wave Wavelength-the distance of a complet wave,crest to crest. Pitch-measure of high or how low sound is Frequency-the number of times a wavelenghth passes through in one second Period-The time taken for one complet wave to pass one point Principle of superposition-if two or more waves of the same type pass through the same medium at the same time,the displacement is the sum of two. Interference-the effect of one wave on another Echo-The series of sound caused by the reflection of a sound wave. Electromagnetic wave- A wave of energy consisting of electric and magnetic fields, oscillating at right angles to each other. FM-frequency modulation AM-amplitude modulation Refraction-phenomenom of light when it travels through another medium Refractive index-Measure of the bending of a ray of light as it passes from one medium to another.

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