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Reading comprehesion Part one 1. what is Savant Syndrome? A condition in wich people with brain disorders develop.. 2.

what does Dr. Elash Marsh do? a. savant syndrome b. . Trainer of people with savant syndrome c. expert in brain surgery no me acuerdo o A o C pero creo q es c, escucha bien el audio

3. What kind of music hability do some people with savant syndrome Play the piano without having taken piano lessons Part two 4. What is it so special about Dr. Marshall`s patient mr. He did math calculation in his head at great speed 5. What kind of conclusions have some rearchers come up? That we might all have the savant syndrome in us Gramar use 6. They_________that the meeting___________postponed Announced had been 7. The kids____________the CDs a long time ago if they_________ Could buy liked Had bought would have liked Would have bought Would be buying 8. If I_________ afford to fix my car I guess I________ to walk everywhere Couldnt - would have Dont will have Didnt would Wouldnt would

9. ________to Russia a year ago While they moving After they moving Since 10. Are you going to stay at Sorry I didnt hear that what did He asked If I were to stay I was going to stay C wheter or not si no me equivoco esta es, pero no VOCABULARY USE 11. They have many


16. Bullying is becoming a big serios problem 17. 4 millon people in Peru 18. Mario vargas llosa


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