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Tiu : Family mullion tm u?

18/5/2011, 23:57

Em v n mi knh th khng thy family mullion load vo d n? Cho em hi mt cu l c th tm thy family mullion u ? Em xin cm n .

HungKts1079 Tiu : Re: Family mullion tm u? 15/2/2012, 10:12 viethai vit: Em v n mi knh th khng thy family mullion load vo d n? Cho em hi mt cu l c th tm thy family mullion u ? Em xin cm n .

Tng s bi gi: 24 Points: 27 Reputation: 0 Join date: 18/08/2010 Age: 32 n t: Cty CP t vn xy dng & Pht trin thng mi Vit Nam CICOM,JSC

Mullion family c to bi mullion profile, bn c th to mi mt bin dng mullion ty bng cch : Open Family -> Metric Profile - Mulllion v to bin dng theo mun ca bn -> save and load project.

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