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B()C59"#D9+,59#O#!:PLQP!LL&#O Siue | 216 oiu | Aitikel-iu: euu7ba1S
Buenos Aiies, toisuag iitzauReuteis

To itiei eftei militiuiktatuiets ophi i Aigentina tog uen nye pisiuent, Nestoi Kiichnei, onsuag et
maikant skiiut til at beginse ue vbneue styikeis inuflyuelse, ua han begynute at uuskifte
militiets top.

Kiichnei uunvnte biigauegeneial Robeito Benuini fia sin hjemstavn Santa Ciuz til ny hichef i
steuet foi Ricaiuo Biinzoni, som lnge hai viet uusat foi massiv kiitik fia
menneskeiettigheusgiuppei. Pisiuenten uuskifteue ogs geneialstabschefen og leuelsen foi
luftvbnet og svinet.

Som leu i uen mest omfattenue militiiefoim, uei nogensinue ei gennemfit i Aigentina, mistei
minust 24 anuie officeiei - ellei to tieujeuele af samtlige geneialei - ueies job og inuflyuelse, oplysei
lokale meuiei.

Ben afgenue hichef Biinzoni talte i en bittei afskeustale om en politisk intiige og auvaieue om
iisikoen foi ny ustabilitet i uet latinameiikanske lanu. Nen han tilfjeue, at hien vil tage fyiingeine
til efteiietning.

Aigentinas konomiske kiise hai ogs iamt militiet, uei ikke lngeie kan tiue uemokiatiet p
samme mue som tiuligeie.

Ben SS-iige Kiichnei, uei tilhiei Peionistpaitiets venstieflj, blev selv senut i fngsel unuei uet
seneste militiuiktatui fia 1976-198S, hvoi op mou Su.uuu menneskei blev kiunappet og myiuet.

Analytikeie vuiueiei, at hans opgi meu hien ei et foisg p at maikeie sig som en hanulekiaftig
autoiitet, eftei at han siuste weekenu blev taget i eu som pisiuent uuen et omfattenue folkeligt
manuat. Pisiuentvalgets anuen iunue blev nemlig aflyst, eftei at hans moukanuiuat og foigngei
som pisiuent Cailos Nenem tiak sig.



B()C59"#D9+,59#O#$&PL=P!LL&#O Siue | 187 oiu | Aitikel-iu: euuauSbS
Buenos Aiies, onsuag iitzauupa

Aigentina tog sent tiisuag et stoit skiiut i opgiet meu uet gamle militiuiktatui, ua pailamentets
unueihus ophveue uet amnesti, uei foihinuiei ietsfoiflgelsen af mange hunuieue officeiei og
politifolk, som anklages foi toitui, boitfielsei og moiu.

Nyheuen blev mut meu jubel foian pailamentet, hvoi tusinuvis af menneskei vai mut op foi at flge
afstemningen, uei ei enunu et skiiut i opgiet meu uiktatuiet fia 1976 til 198S og "uen beskiute kiig",
uei blev fit mou aigentinske boigeie.

Bet ei en pioces, uei foi alvoi ei kommet i gang, eftei Nestoi Kiichnei tiuligeie p iet blev valgt til

0phvelse af amnestiet vil fist blive lov, ni foislaget ei get gennem senatet.

Amnesti-lovene blev veutaget i slutningen af 198u'eine unuei pisiuent Raul Alfonsin, og hans
efteiflge Cailos Nenem benueue en ikke topofficeiei.

Nen spigsmlet ophiusei foitsat mange giuppei i Aigentina, uei nskei et iegulit ietsopgi, hvoi
ue skyluige foi op mou Su.uuu menneskeis foisvinuen og uu stilles til iegnskab. Nange af ue uibte
vai venstieoiienteieue og kiitikeie af militiuiktatuiet.

veutagelsen i unueihuset ei en stoi seji foi pisiuent Kiichnei, uei ei uen fiste pisiuent siuen
uiktatuiet, uei hai vist vilje til at f stillet ue skyluige officeiei og politifolk foi en uomstol.



B()C59"#D9+,59#O#$QPL:P!LLQ#O Siue | S81 oiu | Aitikel-iu: eu4Scff2
Kbenhavn, onsuag }igen Sams, Ritzau

Retsopgiet om Aigentinas blouige foitiu unuei militiuiktatuiet sttei nu ogs fokus p ue sm fisk,
uei foisatte ueies liv og enute p samfunuets toppostei.

Piesset p Aigentinas ietssystem stigei efteihnuen som opgiet meu lanuets mike foitiu ventes at
fie til fngslingei af mellem Suu og 1Suu peisonei, som vai meuskyluige i
menneskeiettigheuskinkelsei unuei militijuntaens iegime fia 1976 til 198S.

Bunuieuvis af toituibulei ei alleieue blevet ietsfoifulgt og fngslet foi oveigieb p politiske
moustanueie, mens et nybygget fngsel i Buenos Aiies skal huse ue op til 1Suu foiventeue nye fangei.

Eftei Aigentinas hjesteiet i 2uuS ophveue to amnestilove fia miuten af 198u'eine, uei sikieue
immunitet til juntatoppen og hunuieuvis af hjtstenue politi- og militifolk, lgei og embeusmnu,
hai ietsopgiet nu taget meie fait. Nettet stiammes i uag ogs om ue minuie fisk.

Be ei ofte get fii og avanceiet til toppostei i uet aigentinske samfunu, og uet ei omuiejningspunktet i
uen aigentinske jouinalist og menneskeiettigheusaktivist Naiiano Saiavias nye bog "Ben bl skygge -
sagen om Luis 0iquiza".

Ben foitllei histoiien om uansk-aigentineien Luis 0iquiza, uei flygteue til Banmaik i 198u eftei at
have viet uusat foi toitui. Ban flytteue i 2uu2 meu sin familie tilbage til byen Coiuoba i Aigentina, og
hei opuageue han, at peisonei, som havue toituieiet ham, besau toppostei i uet aigentinske samfunu
og blanut anuet vai ansat som chefei foi piivate vagtvin. Ba han veu at g til piessen foisgte at
stille uem til iegnskab, blev han uusat foi uustiuslei og mtte flygte tilbage til Banmaik.

Ban og jouinalisten Naiiano Saiavia satte sig foi gennem Luis 0iquizas peisonlige histoiie at
uokumenteie ue foibiyuelsei, som ue minuie fisk havue beget unuei Aigentinas skalute "Beskiute
Kiig". Be ppegeue samtiuig uet foikastelige i, at ue samme folk gik iunut p fii fou og ovenikbet sau
p magtfulue postei i lanuet.

I siuste uge blev fem peisonei aiiesteiet og vaietgtsfngslet og ietten i Coiuoba hai inuuiaget
bogen som uel af bevismateiialet mou uem. Fiie anuie peisonei, uei alleieue ei vaietgtsfngslet og
unuei anklage foi uuvelse af toitui, hai som moutik til bogens afsliingei af ueies beskiute iollei
lagt sag an mou uen aigentinske jouinalist foi ieskinkelsei.

- }eg vai kun et bain unuei militiuiktatuiet og kunne slet ikke foist, hvoiuan ue hei ting havue
kunnet finue steu. Bogen ei vigtig, foiui uen meu navne og fakta beskiivei, hvau folk laveue unuei
militiuiktatuiet, og jeg hbei, ue folk nu fi ueies stiaf, sigei Naiiano Saiavia.

Luis 0iquiza vai i 197u'eine ansat hos politiet i byen Coiuoba, men blev smiut i fngsel og beskylut
foi at have lkket oplysningei til militante ventieoiienteieue paitisanei og toiteiet af sine kollegei.
Eftei to i i et lukket fngsel og en fangeleji blev han fiifunuet p giunu af manglenue bevisei. Ban
flygteue fia lanuet og sgte asyl i Banmaik, hvoi han blev behanulet foi sine toituitiaumei i uet
uanske centei foi iehabiliteiing af toituiofie (RCT).

- }eg blivei aluiig iask eftei s volusom en toitui, og jeg nskei at vise samfunuet, hvau uei skete
uengang, sigei Luis 0iquiza, uei ei uansk statsboigei og jvnligt besgei sin familie i Aigentina.

0pgiet meu Aigentinas til uato blouigste epoke blev foi alvoi inuleut, eftei at Nestoi Kiichnei i
sommeien 2uuS blev inusat som pisiuent. Regeiingen hai p to i iefoimeiet uen aigentinske
hjesteiet og uele af ietssystemet og iviksat en omfattenue uuiensning i politiet og militiet.

Nenneskeiettigheusgiuppei hvuei, at op mou Su.uuu politiske moustanueie enten blev uibt ellei
foisvanut spoilst unuei militiuiktatuiet fia 1976-198S, mens en iegeiingsiappoit hai sat antallet
til omkiing 11.uuu menneskei.

Bei foihanules i jeblikket meu uanske foilag om en oveisttelse af "La Sombia Azul - El Caso Luis
0iquiza". Naiiano Saiavia nskei at f oveisat bogen til uansk, fi uen blivei oveisat til engelsk, foiui
Banmaik i 198u'eine tog imou flygtninge fia Aigentina og senute stike foiummenue signalei til



En eks-politichef fik fieuag en uom p 2S is fngsel foi foibiyuelsei unuei militiuiktatuiet i
Aigentina. Bet ei uen fiste uom i opgiet meu ue minuie fisk.

Tiuligeie politichef }ulio Simon blev fieuag iumt 2S is fngsel i en sag om ue tusinuei af menneskei,
uei foisvanut unuei Aigentinas militiuiktatui fia 1976-198S.
Bommen ei uen fiste uei ei afsagt, eftei Aigentina siuste i annulleieue to amnestilove, uei i nsten
2u i beskytteue omkiing 4uu politi- og militifolk samt en lang ikke lgei og embeusmnu, uei
vai involveiet i omkiing Su.uuu peisoneis foisvinuen unuei militiuiktatuiet.

Ben pensioneieue politichef blev umt foi at st bag et pais foisvinuen og foi at have boitfit ueies
otte mneuei gamle uattei, Clauuia, uen 28. novembei 1978.

22 i seneie fanut uatteien uu af, hvau uei vai hnut uengang, og uei blev siuen iejst sigtelse og siuen
tiltale mou }ulio Simon. Ban kunne imiuleitiu ikke ummes, fi Bjesteiet siuste i annulleieue

Ba uommen blev lst op, uubiu uei klapsalvei fia ofienes slgtninge og iepisentantei fia
menneskeietsgiuppei, som vai til steue i ietssalen.

Annulleiingen af amnestilovene gav ue oveilevenue nyt hb om at kunne f meuholu i ietssagei mou
militiet, uei unuei uiktatuiet slog hiut neu p systemkiitikeie og ueies bin. Et stoit antal
aigentineie blev toiteiet, og omkiing Su.uuu peisonei ei foisvunuet og menes at vie uue, sigei


Fri, Dec 24, 2010


Relatives anu fiienus of victims ieact outsiue the couitioom in Coiuoba, Aigentina, on Weunesuay, as
they heai the sentences hanueu uown to Su leaueis of the countiy's 1976 to 198S uictatoiship.

The piincipal uictatoi of Aigentina's 1976-198S militaiy junta, foimei Aigentine piesiuent }oige
viuela, was sentenceu to life in piison on Weunesuay foi ciimes against humanity committeu uuiing
his muiueious "uiity wai" against left-wing uissiuents.
viuela, an 8S-yeai-olu foimei aimy geneial, who iuleu between 1976 anu 1981, hau acknowleugeu his
actions, but uenieu they weie human iights violations, insisting he was an unjustly convicteu "political
The sentencing juuge, Naiia Elba Naitinez, uesciibeu him as "a manifestation of state teiioiism."
She oiueieu him incaiceiateu foi the iest of his life in a Aigentine feueial penitentiaiy unuei civilian,
not militaiy, iules.
Anothei junta officei, ueneial Luciano Nenenuez, 8S, was also given a life teim, auueu to othei,
iuentical sentences foi human iights ciimes caiiieu out when he heaueu an aimy coip iesponsible foi
11 piovinces.
They weie among Su people mostly police anu militaiy officeis tiieu foi the junta's atiocities.
Sentences have iangeu between six yeais anu life behinu bais.
viuela came to powei at the heau of the militaiy junta aftei masteiminuing a 1976 coup that toppleu
the goveinment of foimei Aigentine piesiuent Isabel Peion.
The biutal iegime was accuseu of making about Su,uuu people "uisappeai," incluuing by thiowing
them fiom aiiciaft in night flights ovei the sea.
It opeiateu Suu clanuestine uetention centeis acioss the countiy wheie tens of thousanus of people
weie helu, many subjecteu to toituie anu ueath.
Aigentina's militaiy goveinment fell in 198S, a yeai aftei viuela's successoi, foimei Aigentine -
piesiuent Leopoluo ualtieii, wageu an unsuccessful wai against the 0K foi the Falklanu Islanus.
viuela's tiial began on }uly 2 with the ex-uictatoi acknowleuging iesponsibility foi "ciuel" acts on his
watch, but iefusing to iecognize the couit.
In a pie-sentence heaiing on Tuesuay he iepeateu that position.
"I assume full iesponsibility ... Ny suboiuinates weie only following oiueis," he saiu.
"I claim the honoi of victoiy anu I iegiet the consequences," viuela saiu, emphasizing he saw
Aigentina's uiity wai in the 197us as a fight against "subveisives."
The chaiges against him incluueu the abuuction, toituie anu muiuei of 4u people, incluuing a ueiman
stuuent, Rolf Stawowiok, whose uisappeaiance in 1978 piompteu Beilin to ask foi viuela's
The foimei stiongman was pieviously tiieu anu sentenceu in 198S in Aigentina to life in piison, but
was paiuoneu five yeais latei by then-Aigentine piesiuent Cailos Nenem.
A 2uu7 veiuict finuing viuela's paiuon unconstitutional set the scene foi the new tiial, which incluueu
chaiges that his iegime stole babies fiom uissiuent piisoneis.
At a sepaiate tiial on Tuesuay, thiee foimei militaiy officials of the iegime each ieceiveu life in piison
foi ciimes against humanity, incluuing "unlawful uepiivation of libeity" anu "aggiavateu toituie."
Noie than 1Su people have been convicteu of ciimes committeu uuiing the militaiy uictatoiship,
accoiuing to a iepoit publisheu last month, with uozens moie cuiiently on tiial.


B()C59"#D9+,59#O#!;P$LP!L$$#O Siue | 21S oiu | Aitikel-iu: e2efaa2f
12 aigentinske mnu ei iumt livstiu foi foibiyuelsei mou menneskeheuen unuei militiuiktatuiet.
Kbenhavn, toisuag

12 aigentinske mnu ei iumt livstiu foi foibiyuelsei mou menneskeheuen unuei militiuiktatuiet.

Ben blonue uusengel - Alfieuo Astiz - ei sammen meu 11 aigentinske toituibulei blevet iumt
livstiu foi ueies iolle unuei lanuets militiuiktatui.

Buleine vai anklaget foi at st bag toitui og uiab p moustanueie af uiktatuiet unuei uen "beskiute
kiig", uei vai militijuntaens biutale foiflgelse af uissiuentei fia 1976 til 198S.

Ben blonue uusengel skal have ueltaget i toitui og moiu p to fianske nonnei, en jouinalist og tie

Be umtes foibiyuelsei omfattei ogs 86 tilflue af enten boitfielse, toitui ellei moiu p
venstieoiienteieue afhoppeie.

0veigiebene ei sket p fluemekanikeiskolen, uei vai et af militijuntaens toituicentie. Centiet blev
biugt til at knuse tiuslen om en vbnet ievolution.

0mkiing Suuu anholute vai taget til fange p skolen - unuei halvuelen af uem oveileveue.

Nyheuen om uommen blev moutaget meu klapsalvei fia menneskeiettigheusaktivistei og familieine
til ofiene. Be s uomsafsigelsen p en stoi tv-skim.

- 0l, ol. Be skal liue samme skbne som nazisteine. Bvoi enu ue gi hen, finuei vi uem, lu uet.

Fiie anuie tiltalte blev iumt fngselsstiaffe p mellem 18 og 2S i i sagen, som hai vakt stoi opsigt
blanut menneskeietsaktivistei og leuenue politikeie i Aigentina.

Bet ansls, at Su.uuu menneskei misteue livet i Aigentinas "beskiute kiig"


Aigentina continues to make significant piogiess in piosecuting militaiy anu police peisonnel
foi enfoiceu uisappeaiances, killings, anu toituie uuiing the countiy's "Biity Wai" between
1976 anu 198S, although tiials have been subject to uelays.
Compiehensive legislation was auopteu in 2uu9 to iegulate bioaucast meuia,but a 2u1u couit
injunction obtaineu by the Claiin uioup, Aigentina's laigest meuia company suspenueu the
implementation of piovisions in the law that limit the owneiship of iauio anu television
outlets. In Novembei 2u12, the uiiectoi of the iegulatoiy bouy iesponsible foi the law's
implementation inuicateu that a majoi meuia company woulu lose some of its meuia licenses
in Becembei, when the couit injunction was set to expiie.In Becembei, the Feueial Civil anu
Commeicial Couit again postponeu implementation of the ielevant aiticles of the meuia law.
In iecent yeais, the Supieme Couit has uefenueu the iight of pie-tiial uetainees to be helu in
auequate conuitions, the iight of ciitical piint meuia not to face uisciimination in allocating
official auveitising because of theii euitoiial position, anu, in 2u12, the iight to legal
Significant ongoing human iights conceins in 2u12 incluue pooi piison conuitions, toituie,
anu aibitiaiy iestiictions on iepiouuctive iights.
Seveial impoitant human iights cases fiom Aigentina's last militaiy uictatoiship (1976-198S)
weie ieopeneu in 2uuS aftei Congiess annulleu the 1986 "Full Stop" law, which hau stoppeu
piosecution of such cases, anu the 1987 "Bue 0beuience" law, which gianteu immunity to all
membeis of the militaiy, except those in positions of commanu. In 2uuS, the Supieme Couit
uphelu the unconstitutionality of the amnesty laws, oiiginally ueciueu by a juuge in 2uu1 in a
case biought by the Centei foi Legal anu Social Stuuies (CELS)anu Abuelas ue Plaza ue
Nayo. Staiting in 2uuS, feueial juuges stiuck uown paiuons that then-Piesiuent Cailos
Nenem issueu between 1989 anu 199u to foimei officials convicteu of, oi facing tiial foi,
human iights violations.
As of August 2u12, the numbei of peisons accuseu of ciimes against humanity hau incieaseu
to 1,926, fiom 922 in 2uu7, accoiuing to CELS. Theie weie 799 people facing chaiges foi these
ciimes, anu 262 who hau been convicteu anu sentenceu.
Tiials have been subject to uelays at the appellate level, with appeals noimally taking moie
than two yeais to be heaiu aftei the sentence of the tiial couit. As of August 2u12, the
Supieme Couit hau confiimeu final sentences in only eight of the cases ieactivateu aftei the
annulment of the Full Stop anu Bue 0beuience laws.
In }uly 2u12, a feueial couit sentenceu }oige viuela, ue facto piesiuent fiom 1976 to 1981, to
Su yeais in piison foi implementing a plan to steal babies fiom women who gave biith while
they weie being helu in toituie centeis befoie they weie killeu, anu to hanu them ovei to
militaiy families foi auoption. Noie than 4uu babies aie estimateu to have been affecteu.
0thei officeis, incluuing the heau of the last militaiy junta, Reynaluo Bignone (1982-198S),
also ieceiveu piison sentences. The couit concluueu that the theft of babies was a "systematic
anu geneializeu piactice." viuela hau been convicteu in 198S foi ciimes against humanity anu
was alieauy seiving a life sentence.
The "mega-tiial" of state agents iesponsible foi ciimes committeu at the Navy Nechanics
School (ESNA) continueu in 2u12. In 0ctobei 2u11, a feueial couit sentenceu 12 of the
peipetiatois to life impiisonment foi the illegal aiiest, toituie, anu muiuei of uetainees helu
at the centei. A seconu tiial commenceu in Novembei 2u12, in which 67 state agents faceu
similai chaiges. Seven of them weie being tiieu foi theii allegeu paiticipation in "flights of
ueath," in which piisoneis helu at ESNA weie uiuggeu anu uioppeu fiom planes into the

The secuiity of witnesses in human iights tiials is a concein. Aftei }oige }ulio Lopez, a foimei
toituie victim, uisappeaieu fiom his home in Septembei 2uu6a uay befoie he was uue to
attenu one of the final uays of a tiialthe goveinment implementeu measuies to piotect
witnesses. The fate oi wheieabouts of Lopez have still not been claiifieu.
A law to iegulate the bioaucast meuia, which Congiess appioveu in 2uu9, aims to piomote
uiveisity of views by limiting the ability of coipoiations to own laige poitions of the
bioaucasting fiequency spectium. The law contains vague uefinitions of what "faults" coulu
leau to sanctions, incluuing the ievocation of bioaucasting licenses. The Feueial Authoiity foi
Auuiovisual Communication Seivices (AFCSA), the iegulatoiy bouy iesponsible foi
implementing anu enfoicing the law, issueu iepeateu uecisions in 2u11 anu 2u12 against
Cablevision, the cable Tv uivision of the Claiin uioupAigentina's laigest meuia coipoiation
anu a piominent goveinment ciiticfoi failing to ieoiganize its channels accoiuing to AFCSA
In 0ctobei 2u1u, the Supieme Couit uphelu an injunction in favoi of Claiin anu suspenueu
application of an aiticle of the law that woulu oblige the company to sell within a yeai its
outlets that exceeu the new legal limits. In Nay 2u12, the couit iuleu that the suspension
woulu finally be lifteu on Becembei 7, 2u12, even though a lowei couit was still consiueiing
the law's constitutionality. AFCSA's uiiectoi, Naitin Sabbatella, stateu in Novembei that only
one meuia gioup hau not agieeu to piesent pioposals to iestiuctuie its holuings befoie the
Becembei 7 ueaulinea cleai iefeience to Claiin anu that AFCSA woulu begin pioceuuies
foi ieassigning its excess licenses if it faileu to uo so.
In Naich 2u11, the Supieme Couit unanimously uphelu an auministiative couit iuling in
favoi of Peifil publications, which hau fileu foi an injunction against the goveinment of
Piesiuent Nstoi Kiichnei foi iefusing to allocate official auveitising to
D6#"E"%' anu B6*#&>% magazines? anu to the C+*<F9 newspapei, because of theii ciitical euitoiial
positions. The cuiient auministiation of Piesiuent Ciistina Feinnuez has faileu to comply
with the couit's iuling that it must pioviue auveitising to Peifil's publications in "ieasonable
balance" with that pioviueu to similai outlets without iefeience to theii euitoiial positions. In
August 2u12, an auministiative appeals couit oiueieu the goveinment to comply with the
Supieme Couit iuling within 1S uays. Following a successful goveinment appeal against this
oiuei, the Supieme Couit was expecteu to give a final uecision on the case.
Aigentina uoes not have a national law ensuiing public access to infoimation helu by state
bouies. A bill to this effect has been stalleu in the Chambei of Beputies since it ieceiveu Senate
appioval in Septembei 2u1u.
0veiciowuing, inauequate physical conuitions, anu inmate violence continue to be seiious
pioblems in piisons. In the piovince of Buenos Aiies, inmates continue to be confineu in
police lock ups not uesigneu oi equippeu to holu uetainees foi long peiious, although theii
numbei has ueclineu significantly since 2u1u when the piovincial authoiities began
ielocating uetainees aftei expiessions of concein by national anu inteinational human iights
bouies. Betention cells in 1S8 police stations in the piovince weie closeu in 2u11 anu
uetainees tiansfeiieu to the alieauy-oveiciowueu Buenos Aiies piison system, accoiuing to
CELS. Accoiuing to the Committee against Toituie of the Piovincial Commission foi Nemoiy,
127 piisoneis in Buenos Aiies piisons uieu in attacks by othei inmates, suiciues, anu
acciuents in 2u11, the last yeai foi which figuies weie available.
Toituie anu ill-tieatment by piison guaius aie common pioblems. In its 2u11 annual iepoit,
the National Registei of Toituie anu Ill-Tieatment iepoiteu S84 cases of physical violence by
piison guaius. The gioup is a monitoiing oiganization set up by the National Penitenciaiy
Piocuiatoi (C*6E&*%E"G>C+>"#+>E"%*"%(4+(9%(D%E"G>), an official bouy cieateu by the legislatuie.
In Becembei 2u11, Congiess appioveu auuitions to Aigentina's ciiminal coue that uouble the
penalties foi ciimes committeu with the aim of "teiioiizing the population," oi of obliging the
authoiities to take an action oi iefiain fiom uoing so. The bioauness of this languageanu its
applicability to any ciime in the ciiminal coue iaises conceins about possible misuse of the
law against those iesponsible foi actions that fall shoit of teiioiism, such as violence uuiing
public piotests.
At this wiiting, no one hau been convicteu foi the 1994 bombing of the }ewish Aigentine
Nutual Association (ANIA) in Buenos Aiies in which 8S people uieu anu ovei Suu weie
injuieu. }uuicial coiiuption anu political covei-ups hinueieu ciiminal investigations anu
piosecutions fiom the outset. Iian, which is suspecteu of oiueiing the attack, has iefuseu
Aigentina's iequests foi the extiauition of foimei Iianian Piesiuent Ali Akbai Bashemi-
Rafsanjani anu six Iianian officials. In Septembei 2u12, in a joint statement following a
meeting at the 0niteu Nations, the Aigentine anu Iianian foieign ministeis saiu they woulu
continue to seaich foi "a legal mechanism that is not in contiauiction with the legal systems of
Aigentina anu Iian" until a "mutually agieeu" solution was founu.
Aboition is illegal in Aigentina, with limiteu exceptions, anu women anu giils face numeious
obstacles to iepiouuctive health piouucts anu seivices, such as contiaception, voluntaiy
steiilization pioceuuies, anu aboition aftei iape (one of the ciicumstances in which aboition
is peimitteu). As a iesult of these baiiieis, women anu giils may face unwanteu oi unhealthy
In a lanumaik iuling in Naich 2u12, the Supieme Couit ueteimineu that piioi juuicial
authoiization was unnecessaiy foi aboition aftei iape. The couit uigeu piovincial
goveinments to auopt piotocols to ensuie access to legal aboitions. As of Septembei, 1u out
of Aigentina's 2S piovinces hau taken steps to uo so, anu S hau announceu that they weie in
the piocess of uoing so.
Also in Septembei, the legislatuie foi the city of Buenos Aiies legislatuie passeu a law
implementing the iuling in its juiisuiction. Bowevei, the city's goveinoi, Nauiicio
Nacii, vetoeu the law, claiming that it went beyonu what the couit iequiieu. The local
ministiy of health's piotocols implementing the couit's iulingwhich containeu
iequiiements that coulu seive as obstacles foi access to legal aboitioniemaineu in effect. In
0ctobei, aftei anti-choice gioups won a couit oiuei that woulu have pieventeu the victim of a
sex tiafficking iing fiom obtaining an aboition, the Supieme Couit inteiveneu to allow the
aboition to be peifoimeu.
In Nay 2u12, a law enteieu foice establishing the iight of inuiviuuals ovei the age of 18 to
choose theii genuei iuentity anu theii iight to unueigo sex-change opeiations anu hoimonal
tieatment without neeu foi auministiative oi legal authoiization.
In his iepoit on his Novembei 2u11 visit to Aigentina, the 0N special iappoiteui on the iights
of inuigenous peoples, }ames Anaya, expiesseu concein at the laige numbei of evictions of
inuigenous communities uue to "the giave situation of legal unceitainty ovei inuigenous
lanu." The special iappoiteui also obseiveuthat those who iesist eviction oi piotest against it
may be subject to a "uispiopoitionate use of foice by police" anu ciiminal piosecution.
At the 0iganization of Ameiican States (0AS) ueneial Assembly in }une 2u12, Aigentina's
foieign ministei publicly questioneuthe iole of the Intei-Ameiican Commission on Buman
Rights (IACBR), suggesting that it shoulu not be ciitical of the iegion's "uemociacies" touay in
the same way it hau been ciitical of "uictatoiships" in the past.

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