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This file is in a top level directory for Project Gutenberg eBooks.

If you are having trouble figuring out what to do, or how to find an eBook, you should probably visit this Web page: You can also read the GUTINDEX.ALL file in this directory (or one level up) for an explanation of file names, a listing of all eBooks, and instructions for finding them. Here is an overview: EBooks numbered 1 to 10000 were located in "release year" directories. Over time, the "release year" advanced, so that by November 2003 the release year was 2006. Directories for these items are: etext90 (and earlier) etext91 etext92 etext93 etext94 etext95 etext96 etext97 etext98 etext99 etext00 etext01 etext02 etext03 etext04 etext05 etext06 Note that many of these directories are quite full. Starting with eBook #10001, all eBooks are arranged by eBook number, with a unique subdirectory based on that eBook number (starting with numbers 1-9). To get to the files for a particular eBook, you need to "drill down" a few subdirectory levels. For example, eBook #19 is in this subdirectory: 1/19 while eBook #15453 is in this subdirectory: 1/5/4/5/15453 In 2004, a conversion project was into the new post-10000 directory to find the files for an eBook is started to bring these older eBooks system. This means that the best way to use the database tool at or GUTINDEX.ALL.

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