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Santiago is the capital of Chile. It is located in the countrys central valley.

This city is a modern metropolis, but it has not an excellent transport system, because of many reasons. I will write about the Metro de Santiago or the subway of Santiago. It has five operating lines and carries around 2,400,000 passengers per day. The most popular urban transport in Santiago is the subway or Metro de Santiago. The subway is more modern and safer than Transantiago, because this last has many problems. The subway is cheaper than colectivos and taxis in Santiago. Metro de Santiago is the most important and famous urban transport in Santiago, also it is South Americas most extensive metro system. This urban transport also has problems and defects. The subway is dirtier than bike or motorbike, but the people care about the money in the metropolis. The subway is busier than colectivos and taxis. It is certainly very busy and always crowded. I think that the subway is a good transport system and its problems have solution.

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