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The National Firearms Association of Canada works for and with Canadian gun owne rs.

The NFA keeps gun owners informed about current and pending legislation incl uding Canada s ever changing gun registration program. This ensures that gun owners know their rights under Canadian law. The NFA provides a forum for Canadian firearms enthusiasts to discuss and unite their views on legislation. By presenting a cohesive position the NFA can more e ffectively lobby the Government of Canada for legislation that reflects the need s of Canadian gun owners while promoting firearms safety for the Canadian public . The National Firearms Association of Canada provides a comprehensive list of res ources for Canadian gun owners including applicable acts and regulations, legal issues, resources for lawyers, journalists, writers and firearms enthusiasts and more. Through speeches, presentations and political action the NFA informs and represe nts gun owners in Canada. The Canadian Firearms Journal magazine features articl es about firearms safety, firearms maintenance, women s protection, shooting and hun ting events etc.

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