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A sound from blackness I had a frightening experience several years ago when my parents decided to spend a few days

at my grandparent s country house. Nothing unusual so far, even exciting, until we got there and I saw the room where I was supossed to be slepping. The atmosphere and the colors were scary and morbid but I took courage believing that nothing can happen. Eventually, there would be only a few nights. Even though I have been afraid of the dark, I promised myself it would be a quiet night, until I was in bed just to sleep and something petrified me. I heard a strange sound from somewhere in the room... I did not know what to do. I just stayed shocked several minutes in my bed. After a while the sound just stopped, and all I could do in that state of shock, was to run. The next day my grandparents verified the entire room but nothing was there. I was speechless. Even since that day I never enter that room when I visit my grandaparents.

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