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Task Describe the causes and key events that led to the turning point

Fall of Rome Barbarian invasions weakened the empire. High taxes, inflation, unemployment and corrupt leaders weakened the empire. Constant wars and military spendings. Natural Disasters. The central government of the Roman Empire was replaced by hundreds of small kingdoms. The fall of rome led to the middle ages in Europe. This led to the development of feudalism which is a political & economic system in which lords protected the vassals who served them.

Fall of Han Dynasty Economic imbalance which caused a great division between the rich and poor. Taxes had increased for the poor. Weak rulers. Invasion from the Mongolians also weakened the dynasty.

Analysis Both empires ended because of corruption that caused poverty and weak leadership. Both were subject to nomadic invasion.

Explain how each turning point changed the course of history for nations and peoples

The end of the Han Dynasty marked the beginning of a chaotic era. After a period of civil war and warlordism, the country settled in to the Three Kingdoms period, in which China was divided among three different kingdoms. China would not reunify for another four hundred years.

In comparison to Rome, which never recovered and caused a period of the dark ages, the Han Dynasty was replaced by the Sui and Tang dynasty and chinese society restored and continued.

Thesis: Although both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty, fell due to nomadic invasions, and economic imbalance, the fall of the Roman Empire led to a long period of the Middle Ages in Europe but the Han Dynasty was replaced by Sui and Tang Dynasty that restored Chinese society. Body 1: Nomadic invasion -Roman empire was invaded by Huns and Germanic people -Mongolians (steppe nomads) invaded China

Body 2: Economic Imbalance -High taxes, inflation, unemployment due to corrupt and weak leadership in Rome -similarly, the Han experiences economic imbalance, a great division between the rich and the poor, increased taxes all due to corruption Body 3: Aftermath of the fall -After the fall of rome, Europe divided into hundreds of small kingdoms and the period of Dark Ages began which was characterized by feudalism -after the fall of Han, the Sui and Tang dynasty replaced Han and continued Chinese society

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