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Excuses block our progress and

great success

prevent us from launching our life into

Have you had these thoughts before? If only I had I should do this but If only I could

Habitual patterns of making excuses is the dis-ease of


So how can you get over





I attribute my success to this I never gave or took any excuse. Florence Nightingale

Become aware that there are only a few real


#2 Successful vs. Unsuccessful:

The no-excuses Link

A+ +,' '." !f +,' "(*, )'+ +,'r' b' .! #$%&'&, .! #p)(.(+/!.&, .! r'0r'+&. S+'v' M(r(b!)/

Dr. David Schwartz- The Magic of Thinking Big: you will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses.

Decide to go for it! Meet the

challenges and adventures of your life with

no excuses!

Can you imagine what life would be if you decided to launch and take action towards your greatest dreams and aspirations?

#3 Types of Excusitis

Health, intelligence, age and luck

N!v!r "#$! %&'(!(. Y)'r fr*!+,( ,)+- +!!, -.!" #+, /)'r f)!( w)+b!0*!v! -.!". J).+ W)),!+.

Dr. Schwartz says that the best way to lick health excusitis is to not talk or worry too much about our health and be grateful for what we have. He advises you to remind yourself often: it is best to wear out than rust out.

We underestimate our brain power and overestimate other peoples brain power.

I +,/.1 (& w' 0r!w %p, -2+ !f %& $!.fr!.+ p!!r r!)' -!"')& !r p'!p)' w,! "! .!+ ,'&/+(+' +! r'-/." %& +,(+ w' )($1 /. /.+'))/0'.$'.

EQ or emotional quotient or the ability to have empathy and communicate effectively with others trumps intelligence as a measure of success. If you cannot connect and communicate and solve problems for others, having intelligence will not help.

do you have age excusitis?

Many young people have become very successful and older people in their 80s have taken up martial arts and have gotten black belts.

L!"# $"!%&'&% "() b* "!r*+ b, r*-&)+&). ,/!r%*0f '1(' b*1&)+ (00 '1* 0!"# &% ,*(r% /f pr*p(r('&/). F/r $(-p0*, M(0"/0G0(+w*00 '(0#% (b/!' '1* B*('0*% &) 1&% b//# 2* O!'0&*r% ()+ 1/w '1*, p0(,*+ -!%&" &) "0!3 f/r !pw(r+% /f 10,000 1/!r% b*f/r* b*"/-&). () /v*r)&.1' %!""*%% /r 1(v&). ./''*) 0!"#,.

Understand how we use health, intelligence, age and luck to make excuses and remain stuck in our own life. Find examples of people who have taken action, cast aside their excuses and created remarkable lives.

#4 Peeling the layers of Excusitis

D/)'' !%* ,/!r p(%' (% () $"!%*, $"!%* ,/!r $"!%*% ()+ '(#* ("'&/) )/w!!! B*r)(r+ K*0v&) C0&v*

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do you make excuses because you feel like you are not good enough?

If ,/! (r* "/)fr/)'*+ w&'1 '1&% 0("# /f %*0f b*0&*f, &' -(, b*)*4' ,/! '/ v(0&+('* ,/!r%*0f ()+ +*v*0/p ,/!r %*0f-"/)"*p' ()+ w/r'1.

R*(r- ,/!r b*0&*f ()+ 'r!%' &) ,/!r /w) (b&0&'&*% ()+ w1*) ,/! f**0 () !r.* '/ -(#* $"!%*% ()+ q!&', (00/w ,/!r%*0f '/ %'(, w&'1 '1* +&%"/-f/r' ()+ -/v* (1*(+.

Feeling great about yourself and your abilities to do something is a very powerful first step towards an excuse free life.

O)* /f '1* b&. r*(%/)% w1, w* +/ )/' '(#* ("'&/) &% b*"(!%* /f f*(r.


Fear paralyzes our best intentions and because of the discomfort associated with going through the fear, we make excuses.

Are you afraid to make decisions?

If ,/! p**0 / '1* %!p*r4"&(0 0(,*r% /f '1* $"!%*, ,/! -(, b* "/)fr/)'*+ w&'1 () ()"&*)' f*(r /f '1* !)#)/w) ()+ '1* f*(r /f f(&0!r* ()+ 0//#&). b(+.

When you feel the fear beneath an excuse, take a very small action. Attempting to take on huge fears all at once may be futile. Give yourself a break and confront the fear one small step at a time.


A"'&/) '&p: G/ b*,/)+ '1* %!p*r4"&(0 (pp*(r()"* /f '1* $"!%*. L//# b*)*('1 ()+ 'r, '/ !)"/v*r '1* r*(0 -/'&v('&/) /r r*(%/). A''*-p' '/ (++r*%% '1* r*(0 pr/b0*- b*)*('1 () $"!%*.

Halt the excuses process by affirming belief and self-confidence. When you feel better about yourself and something that you are making excuses for, you have a better chance to go through with it.

5. R*v*r%(0: "/)%&+*r '1* p7%&b&0&'&*% -&)+%*'...A%# w1(' &f?

D)+'- "#$! %&'(!( f)r w./ /)''r! +)- ,)*+1 w.#- /)' .#v! #0r!#,/ ,!!"!, &r*-*&#0 -) /)'r ('&&!((. L)r** M/!r(, N) 2&'(!(, 3! 4- M*+,-4- B),/ S-r#-!1/ B))$


A%# '1* q!*%'&/): W1(' &f I %!""**+? W1(' &f &' &% p7%&b0* f/r -*. P7%&b&0&', '1&)#&). w&00 -(#* &' -/r* 0&#*0, '1(' ,/! w&00 +*b!)# '1* $"!%*% (''&'!+*. A"'&/) '&p: D*v*0/p () (''&'!+* /f p7%&b&0&', &)%'*(+ /f $"!%*% ()+ v&%!(08* %!""*%%.

6. G'+ /.+r/.&/$())* (." #+r/.&/$())* -!+/v(+'"!

I-(.&)* '1* r*0&*f ()+ pr&+* ,/! w&00 1(v* w1*) ,/! %'/p -(#&). $"!%*% ()+ f/00/w '1r/!.1 /) ,/!r +r*(-% ()+ ./(0%. I-(.&)* '1* 1(pp&)*%% ()+ p*("* /f -&)+ '1(' ,/! w&00 .(&) b, )/' -(#&). $"!%*%.

M#$! # 0*(- )f *+-r*+(*& #+, %-r*+(*& ")-*v#-)r( -.#- w*00 pr)p!0 /)' f)rw#r, #+, b'(- #+/ %&'(!( -.#- /)' "#$!. K!!p -.! !+, 1)#0 *+ "*+,.

Research in MIT has shown that habits can be broken into a trigger or cue, an action sequence and a reward.

Recognize the cue or trigger that makes you choose excuses

Establish a new worthy and concrete reward and benefit for taking action- intrinsic or extrinsic

Become excuse free by choosing a new action habit sequence!

A&-*)+ -*p: A00)w *+-!r+#0 #+, %-!r+#0 ")-*v#-)r( -) 0#'+&. /)' *+-) # 0*f! b!/)+, %&'(!( E(-#b0*(. # &)+&r!-! r!w#r, #+, b!+!5- *+ /)'r "*+, f)r -#$*+1 #&-*)+. C)++!&- w*-. -.! #"6*+1 f!!0*+1( #+, -.! &)+&r!-! b!+!5-( -.#- /)' w*00 r!&!*v! #+, -.! p)w!r70 p8*-*v! !")-*)+( -.#- *- w*00 !v)$! b/ -.! 70500"!+- )f # &!r-#*+ -#($ )r pr)9!&-.

7. Engage the solutions, not excuses O)"* I r() /!' /f $"!%*%, I r*"0(&-*+ -, 0&f*. N/w, I +/)'' )**+ $"!%*%. J(-&* A))* R&"1(r+%/)

Y/! )**+ '/ *).(.* '1* pr/b0*- /r '1* pr/9*"' /r ,/!r ./(0 ()+ )/' '1* $"!%*%. 2&% &% w/r'1 r*p*('&).! Gr/w ()+ f**+ '1* %/0!'&/) ()+ ("'&/)% ()+ )/' '1* $"!%*%.

When you engage your life goals and dreams, something amazing happens. You will see the excuses that you made in the past fall apart and things will change very fast.

A&-*)+ -*p: G*v! 'p )+ !+1#1*+1 #+, "#$*+1 %&'(*-*( (-r)+1!r. S-)p f!!,*+1 -.! %&'(!( w*-. ")r! !+!r1/ -) 1r)w b*11!r. I+(-!#, #00)w /)'r(!0f -) *+p'- #00 /)'r !+!r1/ #+, #--!+-*)+ -) w./ ()"!-.*+1 *( p8(*b0! #+, .)w -) ()0v! pr)b0!"(. D) +)- -#$! +) )r %&'(!( f)r #+ #+(w!r. Y)'r 0!v!0 )f *+(p*r!, !+1#1!"!+- w*-. /)'r 1)#0( #+, ,r!#"( w*00 ,!-!r"*+! -.! !v!+-'#0 70500"!+- )f -.!".

1. Become vividly aware of the role of excuses in your life. Question if the excuses have any basis or validity. 2. Success requires a no-excuses attitude! Instead of making excuses, decide to go for it! Imagine how life would be if you decided to launch and take action towards your greatest dreams and aspirations? 3. Understand how we use health, intelligence, age and luck to make excuses and remain stuck in our own life. Find examples of people who have taken action, cast aside their excuses and created remarkable lives. 4. Look beneath the supercial reason of an excuse and try to uncover what is the real motivation or reason in an attempt to resolve it. Feel great about yourself and afrm belief and self-condence in your abilities to bust through excuses. Conquer fear by taking small steps and doing tiny little actions. 5. Develop an attitude of possibility instead of excuses and visualize success. 6. Allow internal and external motivators to jettison you into a life beyond excuses. Establish a worthy and concrete reward and benet in your mind for taking action. 7. Engage, feed, grow and energize the solution, action and resolution of a problem and not the excuses that halt you from taking concrete action.


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