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Introduction Citibank one of the most well known international bank all over the world was founded

in 1812. Known as City bank of New York but later changed to First National City Bank of New York, Citibank can be classified as third largest bank that holding company in the United Stated by total assets after bank of America and JPMorgan Chase. After changes of CEO few times, Walter B. Wriston, elected announce to rename First National City Bank as Citibank in 1976. Not only the change of name, By Walter, bank had created its own One=bank holding company and had become a wholly owned subsidiary of that company, Citicorp (all share holders of the bank had become the shares holders of the new corporation, which become the banks sole owner). Not long after that, Citibank launch a card called CitiCard. Citicard will allow customer to perform transaction without pass book. At first the only transaction that can be made is cash their personal check to full amount of their balance. But after one year trial, there additional features, they are checking balance, and date of the latest transaction. In 1960 Citybank enter credit card business. The first time credit card was announced its called The Everything card. Everything card announced by independent brand that promoted by East coasted version of bank America. The Citibank assume that everything card is too costly to be manage by independent company, so Citibank take over but failed. As they try again in 1877-1987 to create a separate credit card called choice card, it also failed. In 1984, the CEO of Citibank, John S. Reed, Successfully managed to make the credit card survive by purchasing the Narre Warren-Caroline Spring credit card company. Under his leadership, the next 14 years would see Citibank become the largest bank in the united Stated, the largest issuer of credit cards and change cards in the world, and expand its global reach to over 90 countries. Citibank was one of the first Unites Stated banks to introduce automatic teller machine (ATM). ATM firstly introduced in 1970s in order to give 24 hours access to accounts. Customer could use their existing citicard in this machine to withdraw cash and make deposits. After implemented, huge blizzard strike NY City and there was no activity in the bank. Because of the blizzard the user that using ATM increase by 20 percent. In 2006, the Citibank had a deal with 7-eleven to put ATM in more than 6,700 convenience stores in United States.

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