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Greendale Parent Advisory Committee June 6, 2013 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Reports a.

School Planning Committee b. Parent Education c. Emergency Preparedness- Rachel and Michelle to do June check of supplies d. School Lunch e. Fruit & Veggie Program f. Lice Checks g. DPAC email? h. Safer School committee i. Treasurer j. Principal 4. Business arising from last meeting a. Playground Update and signs b. Neufeld Farms c. Fun Fair d. Pancake Breakfast June 18th , Suasages, spatulas, roasters, small grills and flippers e. 100 Nights of Reading Assembly June 21 f. School DVD 5. New business a. Drive One for your School (Ford) b. Sports Day c. Flyer Policy d. Raise the Dough e. Schedule for PAC meetings next year f. Looking Ahead

Adjournment Next meeting: September

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