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Celebrate Rosulullah maulid the mosque Baitussakinnah

Mosque baiyussakinnah recently bogor west District has held Warning Mawlid the Prophet Muhammad in 1431 H. Warning Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad SAW 1423 H times this year themed We raise Ukhuwah Islamiyah Towards Intelligent Community and the Islamic. By copying nature of the Prophet Muhammad in the everyday life and to enhance the worship of Allah Almighty will surely improve our lives because of the Prophet Muhammad as Rahmatan Lil Aalamiin the blessing for the whole of nature and as Uswatun repertoire or a good example, which always runs Worship according to the recommended syaria'at Islam Allah SWT. So if we as an ummah of the Prophet Muhammad, who always wants to turn into a good and true in worship must follow the Sunnah Rosullulloh SAW. In accordance with the Government of the city of Bogor Vision, Mission, one of which is more intelligent and bogor bogor more Berakhlakul Karimah so it was not separated from the models of Prophet Muhammad SAW who always we commemorate each year. Warning So Great Prophet Muhammad Mawlid held in the year 2010 is not just a warning but a more ceremonial just hope there is a change toward improving the implementation of Worship to God Almighty and the implementation of our lives in a family, societal and bersosial both among us that religion and religiosity among ummah one of them to improve Ukhuwah Islamiyah.

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