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Checklist for Welding (Procedures & Tracking, etc) 1.

Contractor must have a PID approved procedure/ITP to perform Weld Procedure & Welder Qualification and Welder Performance Tracking. It is part of the Quality Plan and approved procedure process. We're in on Quality here from the very start! PID should set the Inspection Points on the ITP for WPS & WQT Notification, Testing, and Qualification & RTFI. NOTE: THIS IS THE TIME TO GET THINGS AGREED UPON, BEFORE QP APPROVAL. 2. PMT & PID shall verify that the 3rd Party Testing Agency is on the SA approved Vendor List. Contractor should submit a letter well before testing requesting approval of the 3rd Party Testing Agency. 3. Contractor shall notify PID by RFI when qualifying any new Welding Procedure. 4. Weld Qualification work and testing shall be monitored, witnessed and accepted by a Company approved 3rd Party Testing Agency. PID can perform any amount of surveillance chosen on all new weld procedure Quals. 5. Contractor obtains and submits the successfully tested Welding Package (WPS, PQR, 3rd Party NDT and Mechanical Test Reports, Weld Line Description Table, and any Weld Maps as applicable for fired heaters, etc) for PMT & PID review prior to PMT submittal to CSD, at least 1 month before the start of project welding. 6. Gross errors and omissions found or failure to follow the approved format per SAES-W-011 is returned to the Contractor for correction before package submission to CSD. 7. CSD reviews package, submits findings and approval, partial or full, and returns package to PMT (& PID gets copy). Items for correction and limitations found by CSD must be addressed by the Contractor as applicable and resubmitted to CSD. 8. PID reviews CSD comments and limitations, concurs with CSD and ensures items for correction and limitations are fully addressed by the Contractor prior to the start of work. Errors, omissions and items for clarification found by PID at this point should be reported and discussed with PMT & CSD by conference call or e-mail. Errors are very common, as well as omissions, especially in Weld Tables. These are the responsibility of Contractor. This is why review before submission to CSD is required, to prevent piece meal submission. 9. PID now focuses on Welder Qualification per approved ITP and 3rd Party Testing Agency. 10. JCCs are issued after successful qualification witnessed by approved 3rd Party Testing. 11. RFIs for "Hold Point" after 1st three production welds should have been specified in the approved ITP. 12. Clear follow up procedure on welder performance should specify no greater than 2% linear reject rate 13. JCCs pulled at PID discretion, when welder exceeds linear rate of 2% with information to go into SAP. 14. When welder exceeds 10% butt method, rule of thumb is to place welder on increased surveillance to 100% RT status. 15. Welders with JCCs pulled may be retrained only once and then removed from the project when JCC is pulled 2nd time. 16. JCCs returned to SA on termination of welder, and information reported on SAP. 17. Clear system of welder performance tracking using the linear and butt method must be established before production welding begins. See enclosed tables.

Ed Langla, 678-6305

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