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Zak Ali

Lynch 2

In Macbeth, Macbeth attempts to appear to be one thing but in reality turn out be the opposite. In the play, Macbeths outside appearance contrasts from his true self. Macbeth portrays himself to be strong and wise, but inside he is actually weak. When he first faces the witch's predictions, he says; " Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day." (Act I, Scene 3) Basically he says that any good things that may come to him in the future, will come on its own. He wants to appear collected, strong, and noble, but in the end, he completely contradicts his statement by killing men to get what he expects is his. This shows his weakness because he believes what the three weird witches tell him. Not only is he weak with the three weird sisters, but he is also weak with his wife. Macbeth goes to his wife right after he planned to kill Duncan, and proclaims; "If we should fail?" in order to receive some reassurance from his beloved wife. He turned to his wife for strength and she replies; "We, Fail!" Even though his actions appear strong, his reasons are very weak. The largest picture of Macbeths feebleness comes when Banquo's ghost appears before Macbeths eyes. "Hence, horrible shadow! Unreal mockery, hence!", Macbeth shouts as he sees Banquo's ghost. Why would a King be afraid of shadows? In reality, a very weak man is what Macbeth is, he crumbles under pressure and guilt. Macbeth, paints a clear picture of his personality on the outside; but as proven, was totally a different person on the inside. No matter what, reality will conquer appearance. Whether it is slow like Macbeth; or whether it is abrupt, the truth will emerge in the end.

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