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Answers and Explanations

1 11 21 31 41 51 c c c b c a 2 12 22 32 42 52 a a a c b c 3 13 23 33 43 53 c c c a a d 4 14 24 34 44 54 b b d a d b 5 15 25 35 45 55 b b a c b d 6 16 26 36 46 56 c a d d d d 7 17 27 37 47 57 c b c a d a 8 18 28 38 48 58 d a d b d d 9 19 29 39 49 59 a a c c a c 10 20 30 40 50 60 d a c b c a

Proctored Mock CAT -1 2011


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

1. c

Refer to lines 9-12 where the author says Rangel, an economist-turned-neuroscientist, is one of those people eager to find the biological basis for human behavior, including choice making. He and many others have concluded that choices are made based on the values people assign to the options they encounter. Here the subject is most aware of the product, hence it would send the strongest signals to the brain. (c) and (d) will not work as the subjects cant touch or see the product. (b) is a close option. However, the reach afforded by a sweater displayed by a model walking on the ramp is less as compared to the reach afforded by a sweater displayed on a mannequin at the store entrance.

7. c

2. a

The Sophistic Paradox questions the search for knowledge indicating that it is not possible to search for knowledge. However the author also goes on to discuss in the second paragraph that a paradox is misleading. In the third paragraph he mentions that the sophistic paradox is an illusion because we do acquire knowledge. The rest of the passage is spent in discussing Socrates experiment with Menos attendant and Platos perspective that reveals that learning is possible and the soul recollects all that it has learnt. (a) is not directly mentioned in the passage and it is not the reason why the sophistic paradox is an illusion. (b) is not indicated in the passage and (d) is false. Refer to para 2 lines 14-16 where the author talks about the many things which a person misses if he unquestioningly accepts religious dogma. Inferential question- the author says religion teaches a man to live the kind of life which it says will lead man to salvationbut the focus of study( as Spinoza said) should be life and how it should be lived. The aim of life is not death and salvation. The author of the passage debunks the dogmatic approach to religion and advocates freethinking throughout the passage. He follows a rationalist approach. The passage nowhere suggests that the author is an atheist (one who denies the existence of God). Sentence B talks about an idea that was once thought to be correct. Sentence D presents the present stream of thought which is different from the original idea as presented in B. Hence BD is a mandatory pair and but in D is a good clue. Sentence D is followed by sentence A as the latter states the new observations mentioned in sentence D. In sentence C, the clue is the star already referred to in sentence A as blue stars. Sentence E is the concluding sentence. The strongest clue here is AE, which is a mandatory pair. Sentence A mentions reform and sentence E refers to the same as the reform. Using elimination one can easily arrive at option (a) being the right answer. Also, sentence C is a generalized sentence hence it should come at the beginning of the paragraph. CB is also a mandatory pair as them in sentence B refers to revolutions in sentence C.

8. d 3. c The passage is based on experiments on human behaviour and the results. The language and content both are objective and based on facts. 9. a 4. b The passage mentions Socrates and Platos viewpoints. However, it doesnt venture into a comparison of the two viewpoints. The passage starts with an introduction of Menos paradox and moves on to discuss how Plato eliminates this paradox through his theory of recollection. But it does not analyze the theory. (d) is very general and does not correctly bring out the specific aspects of the passage. The author has consistently stated that the Sophistic Paradox is illusory and goes on to prove the same. Hence, (b) is the correct answer. The penultimate paragraph states that Plato was concerned more with the existence of the theory of recollection and not even its application. The penultimate paragraph also clearly indicates that Plato did not aim to prove Socrates point of view. The immortality of the soul could be an axiom of Platos theory, however, this cant be surely gathered from the passage and it is clear that this was not Platos main aim. Menos paradox questions the search for knowledge, however, Plato eliminates this paradox through his theory of recollection. His principal attention is placed on the existence of this theory and though mention has been made of the immortality of the soul and reincarnation, these are not the main concerns of his theory. As mentioned in the passage, the human soul has seen everything there is to be seen, however, this is also not the main concern of his theory of recollection. (c) mentions that the human soul recollects truths or knowledge here truth has not been used as the opposite of falsity. It has been used to indicate something that has been experienced or gathered through existences or births.

10. d

5. b

11. c

6. c

12. a


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

13. c

(a) Ease back- move slowly or with less commitment (b) Ease off-become less severe or intense. Option (c) is wrong. The expression should be eased off. Eased in means to move in gently and carefullyyou ease in behind the wheel of a car. (d)Ease up means (here) become less pressing or urgent. (e)Ease off means (informally) do something less intensely. Chipped away means to make weak gradually. Chipped off is wrong. Chipped away, which means to break small pieces off something, is the correct expression. Syncretic means uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion. The sentence discusses the authors contemplation of the effects of the debate that is being driven by the Scottish nationalists. Keeping this context in mind, the second blank can be filled only by contemplated. Hence, (a) is the right answer. Definitive (of a conclusion or agreement) means decisive and with an authority. Equitable means just or fair or marked by principles of fairness or equity. Esoteric means secret or known only to a few people. Luxuriant means growing in abundance. Palette-a range, quality or use of available elements.(palette is also the name of an artists mixing board). Bathos-insincere pathos; sentimentality; mawkishness. Meretricious-flashy, gaudy, spurious. Unequivocally means clearly and without doubt. The paragraph discusses the history of zero and how it came into use. Once the idea of decimal based place value came into existence, zero became popular. It was on a roll. Hence option (a) is correct. (c), which is a close option, cant be the answer as the pairing of zero with the numeral 1 gets discussed in the second line of the paragraph. The last sentence of the paragraph is about how, apart from the author, there were hundreds of other children, who were going through the same ordeal. Their approach to the ordeal was one of patience. They were coping with it as best as they could. In such a context option (a), which describes the children silently accepting their fate and not asking any questions comes across as the best answer. Also, the they in this option has an antecedent in the children.

21. c

The average of the three numbers will be 15. Let the numbers be 15 d, 15 and 15 + d. (15 d)2 + 152 + (15 + d)2 = 683 d=2 So the numbers are 13, 15 and 17. The net decrease in the average can be expressed

22. a

14. b


y y +y 2 . Hence, y = 2. 3

15. b

23. c

C(2k,k) =

(2k )! . For this number to be divisible by 200, (k!)2

16. a

17. b

the difference in the number of zeroes of the numerator and the denominator should be greater than or equal to 2. Case 1: k! has no zero and (2k)! has 2 zeroes. Not possible for any value of k from 1 to 4. Case 2: k! has 1 zero and (2k)! has 4 zeroes. Not possible for any value of k from 5 to 9. Case 3: k! has 2 zeroes and (2k)! has 6 zeroes. The least value of k for which this is true is k = 13. We can easily find the difference in the power of 2 contained in the numerator and denominator to conclude that C(26,13) is even. Hence, C(26,13) is divisible by 200. So the minimum value of k = 13. Note: We can also check the options starting with the smallest one i.e. 11 to arrive at the answer. 24. d We can break 15 into factors (5, 3, 1) and (15, 1, 1). Solving for a,b,c we get (4, 3, 2) and (8, 8, 1) as two possible triplets for (a, b, c). Thus abc = 24 or 64. So a unique answer cannot be determined. Note: We should also check for (5, 3, 1) and (15, 1, 1) as other possible triplets because here (a + b + c) > 0. However, since not all the individual values of a, b and c will come out to be positive, the cases will get rejected.

18. a

19. a

20. a


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

25. a

4 O

30. c

AB = 4 + 4 + 2 = 10 units So
Area( COD) (4)2 16 = = = 4 : 25 Area( AOB) (10)2 100

(3 COD ~ AOB)
26. d The watch gains (5 + 10) = 15 min in 30 hours (12 Noon to 6 PM next day). This means that it will show the correct time when it gains 5 min in 10 hours or at 10 PM on Monday. 2f(x) + f(1 x) = x2 Replacing x by (1 x) in the above equation, we get: 2f(1 x) + f(x) = (1 x)2 Solving the above pair of equations, we get:
f(x) =

Lets denote the five tyres by a, b, c, d and e. The car can be driven in the following pattern: a b c d e 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Here 1 below a tyre indicates that the tyre has been used for 1 km. Thus, we see that by rotating the tryes, the car can be driven for 5 km when each of the four tyres has been used for 4 km only. So if the life of each of the four tyres is 10,000 km, the car can be driven for 10,000

5 = 12,500km. 4

31. b

Let A and B be travelling at 6x and x km/hr respectively. Let the length of the track be L km. The relative speed of A w.r.t. B is 5x km/hr. A meets B for the first time at
L L L O after LCM , = hr 6x x x In the meanwhile A would be ahead of B by a quarter

27. c


+ 2x 1 3

of L after the following time (in hr) :

L 5L 9L , , , 20x 20x 20x

Thus, f(5) = 28. d

34 . 3
32. c 33. a

13L 17L , i.e. 5 times 20x 20x

The value of y will be minimum at all values of x 2. The difference between the Simple Interest and the Compound Interest at the end of two years is given by
r P = 972 where r = 18. Thus, P = 30000. 100 18 So A = 30000 1 + = 49290.96 100
3 2

The concentration of milk in one jar is 70% and that in the other jar is 60%. The concentration of milk in any mixture of these two will lie between 60% and 70% depending on the actual ratio of the two. However, the concentration of the resultant solution can never be less that 60%. So it is not possible. The expression can be written as a + x lies in the interval (0, 1). Since (1.25)3 = 1.953125 and (1.3)3 = 2.197, it can be

29. c

1 , where b + x

34. a

concluded that 2 3 belongs to the interval (1.25, 1.3). Hence, a = 1. This implies that

It should be noticed that the figure is not symmetrical. The case is similar to a linear arrangement and the answer will be 9!. Equating the powers n 2 + 47 = 16n 16, we get n = 9 or 7. Now equating the base n2 2n to 0,1 and 1. n2 2n = 0 n = 2. n2 2n = 1 no integer solution possible. n2 2n = 1 n = 1. We get the values of n as 1, 2, 7 and 9. So the sum of all the possible values of n is 19.

1 lies in the interval b+x

35. c

(0.25, 0.3). The only possible value of b = 3.


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

36. d

We have AB + CD = BC + AD = 170 cm. This can be proved using the theorem that the lengths of two tangents drawn to a circle from the same point are equal. So AB = CD = 85 cm. Drawing perpendiculars BE and CF from B to AD meeting at E and from C to AD meeting at F respectively, we have BC = EF = 45 cm (opposite sides of a rectangle). Thus AE = DF =

39. c

The sets C and M represent students studying Chemistry and Mathematics respectively.
M a x b C

(125 45 ) = 40

cm. We have, a + x > b + x > x a > b and a, b > 0. To maximise (b + x), we have to put a = 2, b = 1. x = 97 and n(C) = 98. 40. b 3log4 x = log47x log4 x3 = log47x x3 = 7x x3 7x = 0 x (x2 7) = 0 x = 0 or x 2 = 7
x = 0, 7 , 7 Since log is not defined for 0 and negative

So in right-angled triangle BAE we have

BE =


402 =

(7225 1600 ) = 75 cm.

The length of BE is same as the diameter of the circle. So the radius of the circle is 37.5 cm. 37. a Since P(x) is a polynomial of odd degree terms only, P(x) = P(x) P(3) = P(3) P(3) = 6 which means that when P(x) is divided by (x + 3) then the remainder obtained is 6. P(x) = (x 3)Q(x) + 6 ...(i) P(x) = (x + 3)R(x) 6 ...(ii) Multiplying (i) by (x + 3) and (ii) by (3 x) and adding the two we get

numbers, x = 7 is the only real solution. For questions 41 to 43: 41. c In Round 1, the total number of votes cast is 1,00,00,000. The candidate with the maximum number of votes gets 16,52,754 votes or 16.5% of the total number of votes. The total number of votes becomes 67,23,323. Then Others will have
1,51,325 = 2.25% share. This 67,23,323

42. b

Q(x) R(x) + 2x 6 So the remainder obtained when P(x) is divided by (x2 9) is 2x. P(x) = x2 9
43. a 38. b

means an increase of 0.74 percentage points over the original 1.51% share. Among the candidates who enter Round 2, the Kongress candidate has got the least number of votes which is 16,38,192. The minimum number of votes required for him to move from Round 2 to Round 3 is 1. For this to happen, the last two candidates should get 0 votes each and the top two candidates should get 10,00,000 and 9,99,999 votes respectively. In Round 3, the least that he should get is 1 vote more than


Assume that CE touches the semicircle at point F and EF = x cm. Then, CF = CB = 2 cm. EA = EF = x cm. DE = (2 x) cm. In right angled triangle EDC, we have (2 + x)2 = (2 x)2 + 4 x = 0.5 cm CE = 2.5 cm

1 rd of the total number of votes cast. So he 3 should get at least 10,00,001 votes.
So the minimum number of total votes required by a candidate to win the election is 26,38,194 (by the Kongress candidate).


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

For questions 44 and 45:

lo g ax

44. d



lo g by

If Chirag plays exactly 3 games then the above two cases are possible. Now, if Amar and Brijesh play two games each such that none of the games is played by both of them then the following four cases are possible:





Since x > 1 and y < 1, we investigate the part of each of the graphs below X axis. We cannot say anything definite about log x and log y, as they depend on the values of x and y chosen. Log x decreases with increase in x and log y increases with increase of y, however, both of them cannot be compared as no relation is given between x and y. From Statement B: We have the following graph:
Y lo g b y lo g a x







Now, Amar doesnt play Hockey in Case (ii) and so option (a) is not definitely true. Though Football is played by exactly one player in Case (iii), Brijesh doesnt play Squash. So option (b) is not definitely true. Squash is played by exactly one player in Cases (i) and (ii) and so option (c) is not definitely true. Hockey and Cricket are played by exactly two players each in all the cases and so this statement is definitely true. 45. b

lo g by X

Let us say that a = b. Then the graph of log x and log y will be exactly the same, or overlapping each other. The graph of log y will change shape depending on the relation between a and b. If the graphs are overlapping, then when x > y, log x will be < log y. However, if the graphs dont overlap, then log x can be less or greater than log y depending on the relation between x and y.
y lo g ax

Taking into account all the conditions specified in the question we get the arrangement given above. Note that Brijesh cant play Football as he plays Squash. Hence, among the options Brijesh plays Cricket is definitely true.

y2 y1 O 1 x1 X

46. d

It can be easily identified that the two statements cannot be combined as the range for b in Statement A is totally different from that in Statement B. From Statement A: We have the following graph:

lo g by

For example, in the above graph, we can see that log y1 > log x1 where y1 < x1 but log y2 < log x1 where y2 < x1.


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

For questions 47 to 49: 47. d No information is given about the contribution of different groups among men and women and so the ratio cant be calculated. Since no information has been provided about the increase/decrease in the number of women in other age groups, nothing can be said about the percentage increase/decrase in the overall population of women. The total contribution of men = Rs 35,000 3200 = Rs 11,20,00,000 The total contribution of women = Rs 11,20,00,000

52. c

In the arrangements given below, the people are represented by the first letter of their names. From statement (ii), possible positions for A and C are: I. ___ ___ ___ _C_ _A_ II. ___ ___ _C_ _A_ ___

48. d

III. ___ _C_ _A_ ___ ___ IV. _C_ _A_ ___ ___ ___

49. a

Cases I, II and III are not consistent with statements (i) and (iv). The two possible arrangements are: _C_ _A_ _D_ _B_ _E_ or _C_ _A_ _D_ _E_ _B_ In both the cases, Deepak is standing in the middle of the row.

5 = Rs 14,00,00,000 4 Hence, the average contribution of women

Rs. 14,00,00,000 = Rs. 36,842 3,800

For questions 50 and 51:

C a rds a S o ng s 1 1 3 c 2 d b

53. d

Let the two numbers be x and y. From Statement A: LCM(x, y) = 46 Possible pairs (x, y) are: (1, 46); (2, 46); (23, 46); (46, 46) and (2, 23). For each of the above pairs, the sum x + y is different. From Statement B: Its given that x = 23 but the value of y is not known. Hence, the exact value of x + y cannot be determined. Combining Statements A and B: Possible pairs (x, y) are: (23, 46) and (2, 23). Hence, x + y = 69 or 25. The question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.


Using the above Venn diagram we have: 2+b+c+d=5 3 + a + c + d =5 1+a+b+d=5 Solving we get, b c = 2, a c = 1 and b a = 1. So, b + c = 3 d. Now, b + c 0, so d = 0, 1, 2 or 3. But, b c and b + c should be of the same parity (odd/ even) for b and c to be natural numbers. Hence, b + c = 2 which gives b = 2 and c = 0. Note that b + c = 0 gives c < 0. Hence, it is rejected. On solving we get, b = 2, c = 0, a = 1 and d = 1. 50. c 51. a 55. d

For questions 54 and 55: 54. b The percentage change for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are 34.82%, 22.80%, 4.31%, 37.59% and 28.00% respectively. The required ratio for the years 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006 are 1.016, 1.008, 1.0124, 1.005, 1.049 and 1.065 respectively.


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

For questions 56 and 57: From condition (ii), we have the following order of books on the three subjects Mathematics (M), Chemistry (C), Physics (P) or Physics (P), Chemistry (C) , Mathematics (M). Let each book be designated by the first letter of its topic (e.g. A stands for Algebra). Using conditions (iii) and (iv), we get the following different sequences (1 to 7 means first to last):

For questions 59 and 60:

A A B C x D L
A A B C x L D

B D x D
B W x L


1 A A A K T T
56. d

2 G G G T K E

3 _ _ _ E E K

4 _ _ _ _ _ _

5 K T T _ _ _

6 T K E A A A

7 E E K G G G

If E is placed immediately before K, then G (Geometry book) must be placed at either the second or the seventh position. If a Chemistry book (either I or O) is placed adjacent to T, then G must be placed before K. Total Ethanol produced (in l/ha) from Sweet Sorghum, Sugarcane and Maize is 3160, 8925 and 3216 respectively. Now we must multiply these values by the number of cultivations which gives us the quantity of total Ethanol produced (in l/ha) from the three crops Sweet Sorghum, Sugarcane and Maize as 9480, 8925 and 12864 respectively. Similarly, the Cost ($/ha) must also be multiplied by the cultivation factors which gives 3600, 4200, and 4000 (respectively) as the cost of Ethanol cultivation. The Revenue achieved can be determined using the selling price/liter by multiplying the produce with a factor

57. a

58. d

There are two possible cases (as shown above) because A scores 3 points which is possible with a Win and a Draw only. And C scores 1 point which means a Draw and a Loss. So in the first case, A defeats C and in the second case A defeats B. Since A has won a match and A scores exactly one goal, it means that this goal should have been scored by A in the match in which A wins. So A wins by 1-0 and the other match of A gets drawn 0-0. In the second case, if AC is a draw with score 0-0, then it means that C scores a goal against B in the match that C loses, which implies that B has to score at least 2 goals to win against C, which is not possible because B scores exactly one goal in the tournament. Hence, only the first case is feasible and the results are: Result of the Match A v/s C: 1-0 Result of the Match A v/s B: 0-0 Result of the Match B v/s C: 1-1 59. c 60. a A drew with B. 1

27 to get the Revenue (in $/ha) as 5119.20, 50 4819.50, and 6946.56 respectively.
of Thus profit ($/ha) from the given crops Sweet Sorghum, Sugarcane and Maize can be stated as 1519.20, 619.50 and 2946.56 respectively. Thus the correct order is: Maize > Sweet Sorghum > Sugarcane


Proctored Mock CAT-1 2011

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