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Internet Influence

We live in times when the term computer and internet is taboo. Almost every man uses the Internet ,almost every person has accounts on social networking sites ,yet these things are a great danger to young people. They use the computer until they become negatively affected,and this negative aspect influence both in their personality,speech and in behavior.

Internet influence in my life is nothing but a positive one,I use this tool wisely because I learn how to work on it. My father is a very good internet user, and he is teaching me how to use it corectly. Computer and Internet helps me to be efficient in my activity,learn to create things that would be useful to people and I can allso teach people how to use internet as it is not for negative use but for its efficiency.

The Internet gives a very positive return when you know how to properly use it for noble pourposes,carrying out important work, bringing with him healthy values and principles,providing the necessary information about the society by developing educational programs and all these things lead to efficiency. When people leave themselves influenced by the internet they are most likely to become addicted to it.

So by internet we have access to the virtual world and many dangerous aspects that lead to negative influence to personality. Most of the times the personalites of young people are the once who sufer, becose they leave themselves captivated by everything modern and new and the Internet as a source for them to satisfy their emoticon they seek.

People whose personality are influenced by the internet are very easy to identif because it: Avoid important evenimentes in order to spend more time on the net. Change sleep deprivation and sleep patterns are present in their lives. Loss of relationshp with family,friends,colleauges to sit on the internet. Refuse to spend more time offine. They neglect theyr family and often neglect relations with loved ones.

If we want that our atitude to be corect on the internet we should do: Scheldure your time spent on the computer that does not sit more than 1-2 hours per day. Do not access website containing immoral conntent. Stay more time offline than online. Do not allow games on yor computer because they have a great influence on our lives and take away our time.

In conclusion,do not stay long on the net.

School:Mihail Sadoveanu Neighborhood:Ferneziu City:Baia Mare Student:Tarnovan Raul Matter:Eanglish Thanx for viewing!

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