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Directions: This assessment is worth 4 points but will not be graded against you.

Write a sentence that states and explains 1 property of liquid. Then write a sentence that states and explains how water as a liquid can exist in weather. Afterwards, draw a picture for each that illustrates what you drew.

A property of water I learned is

Water can be in the weather when


Physical material of the universe. It is everything around you!


Composed of molecules that move freely allowing water to flow and take the shape of its container.

Solid, liquid, and gas are the states of matter.

Water and Soda are a liquid!


Able to see with your eyes.


To move or run smoothly (stream, river, faucet)

The red ball is visible on the green grass.

The water is flowing down the side of the hill.


Water falling in drops from clouds in the atmosphere.


Water droplets that form on cool surfaces, usually at night.

Look outside at all the rain.

There was a lot of dew on the plants this morning.


Droplets of water vapor in the air above the ground.

I could barely see across the street because of the fog.

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