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Severe Weather: Snow

Directions: Cut out the winter safety phrases and put them into the right category.

Change into dry clothes if you are wet Stay inside where it is warm Go outside only when it is safe Talk to your family about winter safety Before a Winter Storm Winter Storm

Wear a lot of clothing outside Eat regularly Have safety items ready Create a storm plan After a

During a Winter Storm

Directions: Match the picture to the appropriate word(s).

1. Snowflake

2. Blizzard

3. Avalanche

4. Freezing Rain Directions: Circle the word(s) that does not belong. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Snow storm Cold air Warm air Sun Ice crystals Snow Clouds Safety T.V. & News Ice crystals Winter Weather Advisory Blizzard Warning Blizzard Strong winds A lot of snow Rain Have a winter storm plan Stay inside & warm Safety kit Snow Blizzard Avalanche Sleet Freezing rain snowflake Ice crystals mittens Snowflake Six Sides Different

Tell me why the snowman is happy. Use the words: scarf, hat, winter safety, snow, and blizzard in your answer.

Part One: Before a Winter Storm: Talk to your family about winter safety, Create a storm plan, Have safety items ready During a Winter Storm: Stay inside where it is warm, Change into dry clothes if you are wet, Wear a lot of clothing outside, Eat regularly After a Winter Storm: Go outside only when it is safe Part Two: 1. 2. 3. 4. C D B A

Part Three: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sun Safety Ice Crystals Rain Snow Snowflake Mittens

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