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ABA Signaling pathway

Its actually really a lot simple

ABA has a signaling pathway within plants that is first induced by abiotic stress from the environment and is synthesized in a bottle-neck of the biosynthetic pathway by the NCED enzyme which makes a carboxylate group into two diced parts and these become ABA later on. Then ABA can be recognized by the protein receptors named PYL and PYR for PYR-Like and Pyrabactin resistant proteins because they were found with pyrabactin which is a synthetic germination inhibitor which was found to be in tandem activity as ABA itself which is abscisic acid, by the way. Then when pyrs recongonize the ABA they become active making them really active which turn ooff the pp2c proteins which are known as protein phosphatase type 2c of the A clade which are then going to not inactive ate the snrk2s which are important in aba signaling. They make the world go round so to speak for the aba pathway and thus there should always be snrks active If the plant wants to surivive anything horrific like a water drought which is really bad for the plant. Snrks activate bzips and other proteins and eventually lead to the activation of calcium signaling that ultimately super end up closing the stomata within plants this allows plants to keep water when they are thirsty. Obviously this is going to help the plants be happy. So when aba is present then the snrks are active and things happen in the plant that help it cope with stress and it can finally relax and chill out. But we want to find out if there are other pathways in the branches of the pathway branches to make sure that aba is not being a sneaky bastard and tricking us with its trickiness. So we devised a plan to m ake computers do a lot of work so that we can look at things that look like aba and might act like aba in plants and then activate the plants aba pathway and then make to the stomata close giing the plant water when it is thirsty thus making a new drug for thirtsyu plants. THIS MOLECULE IS ABA

Click to add title aba

As can be seen by this graph, aba is a correlated to what is happening iin the environement

ABA equivalent s per contry. Each contry needs different

Amounts of ABA to act in the same way. As can be seen china and india have a problem!!!!1

Birds necessary componentqq.

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