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Today almost all the work is being computerized in order to provide more reliable and accurate services in different fields. The idea about the project came because of the problems faced by the mangers of wild safari tourism system while booking the tours and by the people who are seeking for booking tour for wild-safari. Our System On-Line Wild-Safari Tourism System instead of booking a tour also provides the information about the different Indian National Parks, help the users in deciding their plans for wild-safari.our project also provide the information about the nearest railway station, bus station ,hotel etc. and provide a chance for registered users of winning a excited prize by Wild Contest. It is also very difficult for users to know about the visiting experience of the national parks before visiting it. Our project let the user to Overcome from this problem by a Testimonial module through which they can read the experiences of the people who had already visited that Park.


The project is being developed for provide on-line booking of wildlife safari for Indian National parks. Our project will provide the full information about the National parks such as types of animals it have, best month for visiting them, special features of National parks etc. Wild-life Safari, provide a chance for visitor to meet with the wild animal at close. Wild-life safari is mostly benefited for the researchers that working on the animals life style found in National parks. Our project has a wild-Quiz contest through which you can win existed prize. This project will provide a space for the visited user to share their Experience of national park throughout the world. These experiences also benefited for other users to make a picture of the national park in their mind who are going to visit that national parks. We also care the means convince for visitors while visiting the national park. We provide a two means for safarifirst one by JEEP and another one by Elephant. Our project is mostly benefited also for those users who are confused in deciding their tour. Through the help of our project user can easily decide their tour by just Enquiry about the special tour /packages information and their schemes.

While perform Requirement analysis phase we have gone through various problems which users faced during booking a wild-safari tour such as gathering information of different national parks. information about Indians wild animals etc. The problems that we find are: Lot of time spoiled while booking a tour through manual process. It is very difficult for manager to fetch data through manual process. Through manual process it is difficult to book more than one tour for different national park at the same time. Through manual process you cannot get the essential information about the national park before you visit it. There are some websites on wildlife safari. But it mainly describe only about national parks. Users cant get the information about famous landmark around the national park. Lack of tour scheme for wild-safari of national park. different national park .then it difficult for him to do because each guider work only for that particular national park. User faces problem in finding the information about the nearest railway station, bus station from the National park. Users facing problem when user want to know the experience of the peoples who had already visited the national park. If visitor want to hire the same guider at different


The main Objective of this Project is to eliminate the manual process of tour booking. In many offices manager are used to maintain Record on the register which is very tedious job. And while retrieving the data it takes a lot of time. So our project not only for storing the record but also helps in fast fetching of the data.

To plan a safari is such a time consuming and confusing work. Our project objective is also to help the user in planning their safari according to their requirement and needs. Our website next objective is to provide different-different types of tour and packages for wild safari. User is free to select any tour according to their requirements. User usually selects the tour which will provide average quality scheme at average cost. So considering that we have design different different types of tour and packages. Instead of above objective .It has been required that every form interface should be user friendly and simple to use and secured enough to rely upon it. Our software should be designed as, so that it can use for a long time-period.


In database design methodology there are three main phases. The phases are given below:

Conceptual Database Design Construct a model of the information used, independent of all physical considerations. Logical Database Design Construct a model of the information used, based on a specific data model (e.g. relational), but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations. Physical Database Design Produce a description of the implementation of the DB on secondary storage; it describes the storage structures and access methods used to achieve efficient access to the data.


Our Project On Line Wild Life Safari Tourism System deal with the problem of maintaining the record of the customers. It will also provide ease for the user in booking their tour for Wild safari. Wild-life Safari, provide a chance for visitor to meet with the wild animal at close. Wild-life safari is mostly benefited for the researchers that working on the animals found in National parks. Our project has a wild-Quiz contest through which you can win existed prize. Our Project also help user in enlarging their Knowledge Bank by Providing the Information of the national Parks and their Animals. Our Project also describe about the famous Places around the National Park. In our Project, there are basically two types of Users. Register and Visitors. Register user can book their tour and also can take help in deciding their Tours. Our project also provide a space for the Registered User who want to share their Past experiences of wild safari with the other users.


The main Objective of Our Project On-Line Wild-Safari Tourism System is to provide wild safari facility in the famous Indian National park. These are the following Objectives of our Projects:

Provide the information of nearest railway station, bus station, hotel etc from the National Parks. Provide the facility to the visited user that they can share their experiences of wild-safari to the other users. Provide the chance to the registered user of winning the Excited Prize by just Answering the Question of the Quiz Contest. Our project will help the people in deciding their plan for wild-safari. Provide the facility of choosing the means through which visitor want to travel. Such as -by elephant, by jeep. Provide the information about the Indian national parks and their features. Provide a variation in the tour and packages. So that the user can easily accommodate the tour/package according to their requirements.


ASP.NET: The .NET framework is a new & revolutionary platform created by Microsoft for developing applications that can be easily integrated and interoperated. is now the best of one technology in the market and is the best package for software developers. It provides the facility to develop Web base, Windows based and Enterprise application. provides the interactive interface to the user, so user can work on it very easily. This includes C#, C++, Visual Basic, Jscript and even older languages such as COBOL for designing. The .NET Framework mainly consists of a huge library of codes that we use from our client language such as C# using object oriented programming techniques. The .NET Framework library also defines some basic type. A type is nothing but representation of data. It have some predefine object that can be used by developer and easily use by user. Application often requires a custom look and felt. The Microsoft .NET framework provide the many features that enable to create & manipulated the graphics & images and can use these features to include the custom affects and control in application. frame work provides the security to access code & customizing authentication and authorization.



The C# is one of the language that can be used to create applications that will run in the .NET CLR. It is the evaluation of the C and C++ languages and has been created by Microsoft specifically to work with .NET platform. Developing applications using C# is simple than using C++ as the language syntax is simpler. The C# provides the facility to create applications as: Windows Applications: These are applications such as Microsoft office, which have a familiar windows look and feel about them. This is made simple using the windows forms module of the .NET framework, which is a library of controls (such as buttons, toolbars, menus etc.) that we can use to build a windows user interface.

Web Applications: These are web pages such as might

be web viewed through any web browser. The .NET framework includes a powerful system of generating content dynamically, allowing personalization, security and much more.

Web Services: These are new and exciting way of

creating versatile distributed applications. Using web service we can exchange virtually any data over the internet, using the same simple syntax regardless of the language used to create a web service, or the system that it resides on.



SQL is the standard language for making queries in relational database management packages such as SQL server, oracle, ingress, Sybase etc. SQL 2005 is most powerful Data Base related package. The standard language for accessing client/server database is also SQL. SQL 2005 provides the facility to well suit to a client server environment, where the DBMS resides on a server and services the clients requests. If have many type of privileges such as in designing time can set constraint to remove typing miss use and also use for helping in searching. It includes the security at user level, application level and also on data level. SQL provides a flexible transaction management. A transaction is a group of SQL statements that succeed or fail as a group. That is, if any one of the SQL statements fails, the whole transaction is aborted. SQL allows users to create domains as objects in a schema. The users can then declare table columns to be of domains rather than that of data types. SQL allows one to specify constraints. Constraints are the rules for restricting the values that can be placed in a table column.



In our project On Line Wild Safari Tourism System. There are two type of user can interact with this software and both have different access privileges. The two users are as1.Administartor 2.Registered users. 3. Visitors. Registered users are who will be going to fill up the registration form by giving some fees. It have some extra privileges over the visitors. Registered user can perform following type of operations He can take participate in our contest that held for Registered user time to time and users can also win excited prizes & gifts. He can book different type of tours according to their time & requirement. He can take help for deciding their tour and plan according to their time and economical condition. Visitor is a normal user, who is just surfing at the site for just getting information of places of tour & packages. Visitor user can get the information about the different Indian National Park. Third one is administrator who is responsible to accept the application or reject and also maintain database.


In the Online Wild safari Tourism System .We use the Spiral Model because it has been develop to in compass the best feature of the prototype model. Customer communication In this phase we communicate to the customer and know there requirement about the software problem which would occur. Planning We do plan to make software user friendly and think about the step that we would have to take to form better software for the customer.



Risk Analysis We analysis the risk of the software which would take place during forming the software and try to find out the solution of this risks. Engineering In this phase we design the Interface and do coding for the software. Construction and Release This phase is used for the construction of the software by specific design and codes then implement the software. Evaluation In this phase the customer test and evaluate the software



In our project On-Line Wild Life Safari Tourism System, the modules which are found out as follows:1.) Packages:In this module, we will provide the information about the tour /packages for wild-life safari. We will provide the full description of the tour/packages along with the scheme and discount offered. user can easily get the information about any package. 2.) Booking:This module contains the form for booking a tour for wild-life safari. It will contain many fields which are Essential at the point of collecting information about the user requirements. This module also contains a section through which user can Enquiry about the project. 3.) Testimonials:This module provides a space for that user who wants to share their Experience of Wild-life safari with other users. This facility is provided only for the user who had taken a wild safari tour from us. 4.) National Park:This module provides full information of the Indian National parks. It will not only provide the information about those national parks but also provide the information of the famous landmarks surround the National parks. 5.) Login:-

Through which user can access their account.








NAME User-id U_Firstname U_Lastname Address Status Zip Country City Date Age Email _id password Contactno Gender DATA SIZE TYPE VARCHAR Varchar Varchar Varchar Boolean Numeric Varchar Varchar Date Numeric Varchar Varchar Numeric BOOLEAN DESCRIPTION User identity no. User first name User last name Address of user User area code User nationality User city name Date of registration Age of user Email id of the user Contact number GENDER CONSTRAINT Primary key Not Null Not Null Not Not Not Not Not Not Null null Null Null Null Null

Not Null unique Not null Not Null Not Null


PACKAGES NAME Package-id Pack_type Pack_name Duration Rate Description Package_sal e DATA SIZ TYPE E Numeric Varchar Varchar Numeric Currenc y Varchar Numeric DESCRIPTIO N Package Number Package Name National park name Time period Price includes discount No. of sale CONSTRAIN T Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null

FIELD NAME Bill_no User_id Cust_name DD no. Bank name Date Address Bill_amount DATA TYPE Numeric Varchar Varchar Numeric Varchar Date Varchar Currency SIZE DESCRIPTION CONSTRAINTS Bill no. User identity Customer name Demand draft number Name of Bank Bill date Bill amount Primary key Foreign key Not null Not null Not Not Not Not null null null null


PACKAGE BOOKING NAME User-id User_name Bank_name Book_date Travel_requr Park_name Pack_name Pack_type Duration Booking-id DD no Amount Adult person Child person Senior_citizenper son DATA TYPE Varcha r Varcha r Varcha r date Varcha r Varcha r Varcha r Varcha r Varcha r Numeri c numeri c Curren cy Numeri c Numeri c Numeri c SIZ E DESCRIPTI ON User _id CONSTRAI NT Foreign key Not null Bank name Booking date Not null Not null

Park name

Not null NOt null NOt null

Duration of tour Booking id Demand draft no.

Not null Primary key Not null Not null

Number of adult person for tour Number of child for tour Number of senio

Not null Not null Not null


CUSTOMER Name Bill_no user-id Cust-name Pack_type Pack_name Date Cust_add Cust_ph Data Type Numeric Numeric Varchar Varchar Varchar date Varchar Numeric Size Description Constraints Bill number Customer-id Customername Packtype Pack name Safari date Customeraddress Contact number Foreign key Foreign key Not Null NOT NULL Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null

TESTIMONIAL Name User_name State Description Datatype Varchar Vachar Varchar description constraint User name State name Not null Not null Not null


WILD QUIZ Name Quiz_no Date Prize User_id User_name Datatype Numeric Date Varchar Varchar Varchar User id Foreign key Not null Description constraint Quiz number Quiz date Primary key Not null



Structured testing tools had been used for testing the programs. Small programs are developed to test the individual modules. Each module is tested by the development of appropriate functionality. Groups of people per assign to test the software functionality. The group had the Alpha Testing. Software distributed to clients, teachers and friends to Beta test to the entire software.


Testing is the process of executing a program with the goal of finding error in it. S/W testing aims at eliminating program errors. This is demanding and time consuming task. Since designer cant confirm 100% accuracy. This system can be made to undergo a fail test cycle which helps in determining what make it fail. When the error is found then we assume it as a successful test.

TESTING TYPES Unit testing

An individual program must compile and test data correctly and also bond with other program in order to run satisfactory. Program testing check, for two types of error: syntax & logical a syntax error in program occurs when a statement in a program break one or more rules of the language in which it is coded.

System testing is done to find out those imperfection. That where not found in test conducted earlier. That include forced system failure and validation of total system as it will be put to use by it user in the actual system as it will be put to use by it user in the actual working environment it generally stats with low volume of transaction based on real data.


For the success of a system as a while all constituent programs should work properly. No program in a system works in isolation program are invariably related to one author & interest in a total system each program is tested to see whether it is consonance with related program in the system.


User acceptance testing involves running the system with live data by actual user. This is done to families the user with the validity and reliability of the system. A comprehensive test report is prepared after testing. This report Illustrates the system is tolerance, performance range, error rate and accuracy.









TEST CASE Test case -1

Test No. Module Test type Input Objective Expected output Actual output Result 1 Login Unit testing login/password user authentication Access to Authorized user authentication successful Access to authorized user only.

Test case -2
Test No. Module Test type Input Objective Expected output Result 2 Booking unit testing data entry in various forms to store valid data in table storage successful Data stored in table


Test case -3
Test No. Module Test type Input objective Expected output Actual output Result 3 Packages, National park Unit testing Raw data fetch record from the table successful fetching Record found Query completed.

Test case -4
Test No. Module Test type Input Objective Expected output Actual output Result 4 Registration form Unit testing user ID user record updating updated record of user Record updated successfully updated.


Test case -5
Test No. Module Test type Input Objective Expected output Actual output Result 5 Package Unit testing user/package details package & booking searching book details search completed successfully Book found

Test case -6
Test No. Module Test type Input Objective Expected output Actual output Result 6 Booking Unit testing Booking details To add/remove booking updated record of booking Record updated successfully updated.


Today, many people used to utilize their holidays by visiting the National parks .It is a worth decision because it not only fulfill their desire of visiting the national parks but also enlarge their Knowledge bank. Wildlife safari of national park provides a chance to meet with the wild animals closely. It help the Researcher and other peoples whose desire is to Analysis the living methods of animals or making documentaries on it. Safari of national park also provides a chance of attaching with the nature closely. In Our system there are two types of users-first one is registered user and other one is visitors .Registered user can easily book a tour for their desire Indian national park visit. It also help them to get the answer of their Query related to respected National park such as best month to visit, Special Animal of that National park, cheapest tour for that national park etc. There is also a chance for user to win the excited prize by answering the Contest question. Generally before visiting any national park visitors want to get the experience of those people who have already visited the National park. Our Project helps those visitors by providing the facility for the visited peoples to share their experiences of Wild-safari with them. As a teacher is needed for life guider, in that way a Experience Guide is also necessary for wildlife safari in


national parks. To fulfill this requirement, we have a many experience holder guides how will not only guide you but also describe the untouchable things related to the wild animals and national parks. Planning a wild-safari is a time consuming and confusing for some peoples. We help those people by providing the answer of some Question such as how much time does you have for the wild-safari?, What you really want to see and do while in National Park? which will lead them towards better decision. Our project Online wildlife-safari tourism system is totally User-friendly and easy to handle. It not only for the user who want to visit the national park but also help the users who want to collect information about the Indian national parks and the animals which are live in it.



To develop this project, I had used two very convenient, reliable technical languages. These languages are such developed so that they might use for a long time. This allows my system a long time event. The software is especially designed according to the current requirement of wild safari tourism system. The current software is designed on the web page designing language .so it can be easily access. The developed software has removed the manual process of the existing system. The developed system perform more efficiently work. The system which is developed comes across some limitation that has arrived in our software is as follows: Our software provides tour only for famous Indian national park. For foreigner tourist, it will not provide the facility for their flight booking and it is the future scope of our project. Our system will not provide a private safari facility. We only provide a group wild safari facility. Our website will not provide a facility for online payment. For booking a tour you have to send a Bank Demand Draft to our company office. It is the future scope of our project to make a payment on-line by using a Third -Party software.



Although we try our best to provide all the services in our project ON Line Wild Safari Tourism System but there are some enhancement in our project which can be as follows: In designing our project, we have use a latest

technology which can be easily adopt the environmental changes that may lead a better scope to the application. In future, user needs about national parks information will increase and the information which we have provided in our system May not fulfill their requirement. So in future point of view we can provide more relevant information about the National Park.



using using using using using using using using using using using

System; System.Data; System.Configuration; System.Web; System.Web.Security; System.Web.UI; System.Web.UI.WebControls; System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; System.Xml.Linq; System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { SqlConnection con; SqlCommand cmd; SqlDataReader rst; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString ="Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:\\Web Site3\\App_Data\\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; con.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = con;


} protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmd.CommandText ="select count(*) from login where user_id ='"+uid.Text +"'"; rst = cmd.ExecuteReader(); rst.Read(); int cnt = rst.GetInt32(0); rst.Close(); if (cnt == 0) { Response.Write("invalid user"); } else { cmd.CommandText = "select password from login where user_id ='" + uid.Text + "'"; SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader(); r.Read(); string p = r.GetString(0); string tp = upwd.Text; r.Close(); if (p.Equals(tp)) { Response.Redirect("Default2.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Invalid user or login"); } } } }


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