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Production Schedule and Notes

We filmed are rough cut in early March and then we decided who we wanted in it
and what shots we wanted and what worked and what didn’t.

Are first filming shot was on the 25th of March. We had a list of all the shots we
needed. This is what we shot and we did each individual shot at least twice:
1. A long shot panning the garden
2. A high angle shot of her reading ( we used a step ladder)

3. A medium shot of her reading then looking up

4. A medium-long shot of her getting up and walking out of the shot
5. A medium shot of her walking to the gate.
6. A medium-long shot of her sitting on the doorstep

7. An OTS shoulder shot of her looking at the photo.

8. A Medium shot of her opening a letter
9. A low angle of her opening the letter
10. An OTS shot of her reading the letter
11. A close up of the letter
12. A close up of her face
13. A medium-long shot of her getting up and walking out of the shot.

We then put them onto imovie and worked out which ones worked well and which
ones didn’t. We had to re-shoot numbers 3, 5 and 11 as they were shaky but we
kept the rest.

We filmed again on the 30th of March with a guy this time so we could shoot the
remainder of the film. We again had a list of the things we had to shot and re-
shoot. What we filmed was:

1. A medium panning of the garden

2. Re-shot the medium shot her reading then looking up
3. Re shot her walking towards the gate.
4. A medium shot of the man at the gate.

5. An OTS from his shoulder of the woman walking towards him.

6. A close up of them passing the letters.
7. OTS shot so we can see the woman’s face
8. Medium-long shot of the woman walking back to the doorstep.
We then did some extra ones such as an extreme close-up of the man before
passing the letter, An OTS shot of from her walking towards him. A low angle of
the man passing the letter and also a OTS of his passing the letter and a close up
of the woman when she’s standing up.

We actually only used one of the extra ones we decided to shot, the OTS of her
walking to him.

We did re-shot number 11 again but it was windy and it looked shaky so we
decided to do it again indoors as we need to pan the words.

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