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Turkey Questionnaire

1. Did you manage to achieve your aims of the first meeting? 2. Did you have any problm befonre and the during the organisation of the meeting? 3. How do you evaluate the communication between the partners before and during meeting? 4. Did the visit of the partners influence the funcioning of the school? If yes, how? 5. Do you have any comments about the last meeting and suggestion about the future meeting?

Answers :

1) As being the projects coordinator, weve reached the targets aimed before at he first meeting.We had a succesful introduction meeting at the first day.Partners had opportunity to learn the education system , the pre-school education system and cultural values of each other.We shared the tasks of the project and decided the next mobility dates.Each partner presented sample pre-school activities with our prechoolers.We had workshop activities all together.We also had opportunity to show our mini pet garden and hobi garden which are for preventing absenteeism at our preschool.

2) The forth partners from United Kingdom couldnt take part in first meeting because of communication defects.So,we changed the communication person as an solution. The hardest job for the project staff was to come together and work in limited times. Because, two of us are working at the secondary school at the another building.Some of us are working during the morning and the others are working during the afternoon.So we had to sacrificy our time and energy to deal with project works.

3) In order to increase communication among the partners we had enjoyable activities after the education programme.As soon as possible we spent time with partners all together.We think, the partners were glad to meet each other and established a strong communication.Morever,all our pre-school teachers were included process of the meeting and communication with partners.

4) There wasnt any problem on the functuoning of our school as our school has both morning and afternoon classes.The preschool teachers worked in their classses and the partners visited them during the lessons and had activities together.

5) We think , we had a very efficient meeting.Although,there were a few defects we managed to handle and fulfil the first education programme.Also the partners left satisfied to their countries.Furthermore,this meeting was a good sample for the next meeting.

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