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Hello, Please kindly give this email due consideration.

I have sent you this email with sincerity of purpose and I will appreciate your uncompromising cooperation. This is about a foreign client of my bank who passed away and left a huge account balance of US$15.2M unclaimed. As a result of the circumstances of the death of this client which was unexpected, he could not nominate a beneficiary to claim his funds which are now abandoned and nobody has ever applied to claim them. From my findings, these funds can be released to you without any suspicion if we approach the bank legitimately for the claim. I have all the necessary information for us to make this claim legitimately without contravening the laws but I need you to partner me because I cannot make the claim since I am still in active service with the bank. This is why I contacted you, though I apologize if you consider my contact is inappropriate. But if you are willing to partner me in this transaction, reply and I will provide you every details. Regards, Roland Tsepho.

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