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Our Blood, Sweat and Tears Last weekend, it was reported that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission

was being arm-twisted into reviewing MPs salaries upwards, even after President Uhuru Kenyatta promised Kenyans such a review was neither feasible nor sustainable. If SRC concedes to the demands, a dangerous precedent would set by the Kenyatta administration: that political expediency is guaranteed to prevail, no matter how unpopular some decisions can be. What would be even more disturbing is the cost of MPs or more appropriately, MPigs heavy wage bill on our struggling economy. The country is heavily strained by an expanding domestic budget, with the creation of county governments, as well as pressing social needs. Some of those may have to be shelved to accommodate MPigs greed. Yet, political concessions, negotiated by politicians without the peoples participation, do not take away their sovereign will to envision a different future for their country. Which is why we are turning our attention to a noble concept could serve MPigs well: piggy banks. This might sound childish, for piggy banks are associated with children. But our political leaders need to go back to the basics and reorient themselves with the fundamentals of saving. For, no matter how much MPigs are paid, it shall never be enough to satisfy their spendthrift lifestyles. While MPigs tactics of threatening to disband public bodies, or even legislating ruinous laws, might be effective in securing a larger pie for themselves, the issues of the day remain unchanged. These are youth unemployment, now estimated at 10 million. The other issue is the growing poverty among Kenyans. Many more live on the threshold of poverty and destitution. Yet through their moil and toil, they provide the taxes that feed MPigs whims. We dedicate our campaign this afternoon to reminding Kenyans of our collective blood, sweat and tears that we shed every day to feed politicians endless whims, and condemn their greed as it is bleeding the country dry.

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